muesli (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Muesli” but we did find clues
where “Muesli” could be the answer:
- Breakfast - inspiration in general, might you say
- Breakfast cereal
- Breakfast choice
- Breakfast food
- Breakfast mix
- Breakfast mix with rolled oats
- Breakfast oats dish
- Brunch fare
- Breakfast cereal
- Cereal consisting of grains fruit and nuts
- Cereal covers uniform in slippery slime
- Cereal mix
- Cereal with rolled oats
- Certain cereal
- Commonplace German culinary term
- Commonly used German culinary term
- Crunchy breakfast
- Europe`s answer to granola
- European breakfast, supposedly
- Everyday German culinary term
- Familiar German culinary term
- Fiber-rich bowlful
- German culinary term
- German culinary term found in the English language
- German culinary term found in English
- German word used often in English
- German culinary term commonly used in English
- Granola alternative
- Granola cereal
- Granola cousin
- Granola kin
- Granola`s cousin
- Granola`s kin
- Granola-like breakfast cereal
- Granolalike breakfast food
- Healthful bowlful for breakfast
- Humiliates absent Thai put out for breakfast
- Mixture of untoasted dry cereals and fruits
- Nasty slime covering universal breakfast dish
- Nutritious breakfast cereal
- Oats-and-fruit dish
- Oats-nuts-fruit mix
- Oaty breakfast mix
- Oaty cereal
- Oaty cereal mix
- Porridge cousin
- Prevalent German culinary term
- Rolled oats cereal
- Swiss breakfast cereal
- Swiss breakfast choice
- Swiss breakfast mix
- Swiss brunch fare
- Swiss cereal
- Swiss granola
- Swiss mix
- Use milk mostly in mixing cereal
- Use most of milk supply for cereal
- Vegan`s morning meal
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