naacp (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Naacp” but these clues may be related:
- Pt. of naacp (2 words, e.g. ASSOC)
- NAACP et al ( = ASSNS)
- NAACP, for one ( = ACRONYM)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Naacp” but we did find clues
where “Naacp” could be the answer:
- Afr.-Amer. org
- African-American equality grp
- Annual Image Awards grp
- Anti-discrimination group since 1909
- Anti-discrimination organisation
- Anti-racism gp since 1909
- Anti-racism group since 1909
- Antidiscrimination group since 1909
- Antidiscrimination grp
- Antidiscrimination org. since 1910
- Baltimore-based civil rights org
- Baltimore-based rights org
- Ben Chavis once headed it
- Benjamin Jealous is its CEO
- Black grp
- Brown V. Board of Education sponsor org
- Chavis once headed it
- Civil rights group
- Civil Rights group since 1909
- Civil Rights letters
- Civil rights org. founded in 1909
- Civil Rights org. since 1909
- Civil rights organisation
- Civil-rights organisation
- Cornell Williams Brooks is its current pres
- Discrimination-fighting org
- Equality group established in 1909
- Equality grp
- Formerly Hooks` org
- Formerly hooks` organisation
- Image Award grp
- Image Award org
- Image Award presenter
- Image Awards awarder
- Image Awards org
- Image awards organisation
- Image Awards presenter
- Integration grp
- It was founded in 1909
- Jealous org.
- Jim Crow-fighting org
- Joel Springarn`s org
- Kweisi Mfume is its pres
- Kweisi Mfume`s org
- Kweisi mfume`s organisation
- Kweisi mfume’s organisation
- Kweisi`s org
- Mfume`s org
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Oldest Civil Rights group in America
- Oldest US civil-rights org
- Org. co-founded by WEB Du Bois
- Org. cofounded by Du Bois
- Org. concerned with racial equality
- Org. for Kweisi Mfume
- Org. for racial equality
- Org. for which Rachel Dolezal worked
- Org. formed on Lincoln`s 100th birthday
- Org. founded on Abraham Lincoln`s 100th birthday
- Org. founded on Lincoln`s birthday
- Org. headed by Benjamin Jealous
- Org. in Mississippi Burning
- Org. opposing racial discrimination
- Org. since 1909
- Org. that awards the Spingarn Medal
- Org. that battled Jim Crow laws
- Org. that Ben Jealous recently left
- Org. that fought Jim Crow laws
- Org. that gave Patti LaBelle a 1997 Image Award
- Org. that gives annual Image Awards
- Org. that presents Image Awards
- Org. that presents the Image Award
- Org. that published the journal The Crisis
- Org. that publishes The Crisis magazine
- Org. with Image Awards
- Organisation for kweisi mfume
- Organisation founded on lincoln`s birthday
- Organisation since 1909
- Organisation that awards the spingarn medal
- Plaintiffs` attys. in Brown V. Board of Education
- Racial equality gp
- Racial equality org
- Racial equality organisation
- Racial rights gp
- Racial rights org
- Rights group since 1909
- Rights group
- Rights org. co-founded by Mary White Ovington
- Rights org. for 99 years
- Rights org. formerly headed by Kweisi Mfume
- Rights org. since 1909
- Rights org. that opposed Jim Crow laws
- Rights organisation
- Selma won its 2015 Image Award
- Spingarn medal awarder
- Spingarn Medal awarding gp
- Spingarn medal group
- Spingarn Medal grp
- Spingarn Medal org
- Spingarn medal organisation
- Springarn Medal presenter
- They award the spingarn medal
- US civil rights promoter
- WEB du bois was one of its founders
- WEB DuBois first headed it
- WEB Du Bois was among its founders
These clues may also be related:
- NAACP locale ( = USOFA)
- NAACP chairman Julian ( = BOND)
- NAACP ally in Brown V. Board of Education ( = ACLU)
- NAACP activist Evers ( = MEDGAR)
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