nagasaki (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Nagasaki” but we did find clues
where “Nagasaki” could be the answer:
- Benny Goodman song
- City
- City with an Atomic Bomb Museum
- City in Japan
- City in Asia
- Composition by Alfred Schnittke
- Japanese city with an atomic bomb museum
- Madama Butterfly setting
- Madame Butterfly setting
- Metropolis
- Populated coastal place in Japan
- Port
- Port of japan
- Port of southern Japan
- Site of an annual august 9th peace ceremony
- Song about Japan
- Urban center
- Where Fat Man fell
- WW II target, 8-9-45
Definitions of “nagasaki”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• As of January 1, 2009, the city has an estimated population of 446
• Industrial port (coal, iron, shipbuilding) on Nagasaki Bay, Kyushu Island
• Ken (prefecture), northwestern Kyushu, Japan, facing the East China Sea
• A seaport on W Kyushu, in SW Japan: second military use of the atomic bomb August 9
• (Schnittke) Nagasaki is an oratorio composed by Soviet composer Alfred Schnittke in 1958
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