nan (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Nan” but we did find clues where “Nan” could be the answer:
  1. A female given name
  2. Actress grey
  3. Actress Grey of black-and-white films
  4. Actress Grey of Sutter`s Gold
  5. Actress Martin
  6. Actress Martin of The Other Side of the Mountain
  7. Actress martin or grey
  8. Actress Merriman
  9. Anagram for Ann
  10. Ann drove around Granny
  11. Annie
  12. Art photographer Goldin
  13. Artist Hudson
  14. Asian river
  15. Bert Bobbsey`s sib
  16. Bert bobbsey`s sis
  17. Bert Bobbsey`s sister
  18. Bert bobbsey`s twin
  19. Bert Bobbsey`s twin sister
  20. Bert`s bobbsey twin
  21. Bert`s fictional twin sister
  22. Bert`s mystery-solving twin
  23. Bert`s sister in books
  24. Bert`s sister in children`s literature
  25. Bert`s sister of literature
  26. Bert`s twin
  27. Bert`s twin sister
  28. Bert`s twin sister, in fiction
  29. Big-band vocalist Wynn
  30. Bobbsey girl
  31. Bobbsey miss
  32. Bobbsey sister
  33. Bobbsey twin
  34. Bobbsie twin
  35. Book editor Talese
  36. Bread also called khamiri
  37. Bread at an Indian restaurant
  38. Bread baked in a clay oven
  39. Bread baked in a tandoor
  40. Bread eaten with vindaloo
  41. Bread from India
  42. Bread in an indian restaurant
  43. Bread made with a key relative
  44. Bread of indian cuisine
  45. Bread often shaped like a teardrop
  46. Bread orderer`s alternative to poori
  47. Bread served in indian restaurants
  48. Bread served with Chicken tikka masala
  49. Bread served with korma
  50. Bread served with saag aloo
  51. Bread that might accompany biryani
  52. Bread with an indian meal
  53. Bread with mattar paneer
  54. Bread with pakoras
  55. Bread with sag aloo
  56. Bread with tandoori chicken
  57. Bread you might dip into vindaloo
  58. Brindian ed
  59. British grandma
  60. Britton who wrote The President`s Daughter, 1927
  61. Broadway lyricist Knighton
  62. Burt Bobbsey`s twin
  63. Chat novelist McCarthy
  64. Chicken vindaloo side
  65. Children`s author agle
  66. Code word for letter n
  67. Code word for N in the old US Phonetic Alphabet
  68. Congresswoman Hayworth
  69. Congresswoman Hayworth from New York
  70. Convent resident
  71. Curry bread
  72. Cy`s better half
  73. Daughter of Richard and Mary Bobbsey
  74. Diva merriman
  75. Documentary photographer Goldin
  76. Dwarf: Combining form
  77. East Indian flatbread
  78. Editor talese
  79. Editor Talese with a Doubleday imprint
  80. Editor Talese with her own Doubleday imprint
  81. Elder of the Bobbsey sisters
  82. English girl name
  83. Fabray or Friday
  84. Fabray or Goldin
  85. Fabray or Talese
  86. Fabray, casually
  87. Fabray
  88. Fabray, to friends
  89. Female Bobbsey
  90. Female Bobbsey twin
  91. Flat bread of india
  92. Flat Indian bread
  93. Flatbread served in an Indian restaurant
  94. Flatbread type
  95. Form of Anna
  96. Freddie and Flossie`s older sister
  97. Girl going up and down
  98. Girl in Gidget
  99. Girl in Masefield play
  100. Girls` nickname
  101. Gramma
  102. Grams
  103. Gran
  104. Grandma
  105. Grandma turns up again
  106. Grandma`s bread
  107. Grandma, affectionately
  108. Grandma, to some
  109. Grandmother
  110. Grandmother consumed banana
  111. Grandmother`s bread
  112. Grandmother`s girl
  113. Grandmother, to Brits
  114. Grannie
  115. Granny
  116. Granny`s bread
  117. Grey in Three Smart Girls
  118. Grey who co-starred in Three Smart Girls
  119. Harding`s Britton
  120. Hummus scoop, at times
  121. I`ll Be Your Mirror photographer Goldin
  122. Impact crater on Mars
  123. Indian baked bread
  124. Indian brat fled
  125. Indian bread
  126. Indian flat bread
  127. Indian flat round leavened bread
  128. Indian flatbread
  129. Indian pita relative
  130. Indian restaurant basketful
  131. Indian restaurant bread
  132. Indian restaurant extra
  133. Indian restaurant freebie
  134. Indian restaurant serving
  135. It may be eaten with tikka masala
  136. It may be served with ghee
  137. It might be served with lamb vindaloo
  138. Laura Lee Hope twin
  139. Legendary opera star Merriman
  140. Little girl`s grandma
  141. Little Hannah
  142. Little Miss Bobbsey
  143. Longtime Doubleday editor Talese
  144. Martin in Remember When
  145. Martin of Matters of the Heart
  146. Mary Bobbsey`s older daughter
  147. Masefield character
  148. Masefield heroine
  149. Masefield home
  150. McCarthy or Goldin
  151. Merriman of opera
  152. Merriman or Goldin
  153. Mezzo-soprano Merriman
  154. Mideast bread
  155. Mimi Kennedy TV role
  156. Miss bobbsey
  157. Miss Bobsey
  158. Miss Drew
  159. Miss Fabray, to friends
  160. Miss Tucket
  161. Ms. fabray to friends
  162. New York congresswoman Hayworth
  163. New York Congresswoman-elect Hayworth
  164. New York socialite Kempner
  165. Nickname for Nanette
  166. Not boy`s name for grandma!
  167. Noted New York photographer Goldin
  168. Older lady a bit on the side for Indian
  169. One of the bobbsey clan
  170. One of the bobbsey twins
  171. One of the bobbseys
  172. One of the Bobbseys, in children`s literature
  173. Opera singer Merriman
  174. Opera`s merriman
  175. Painter Hudson
  176. Palendromic river of thailand
  177. Palindromic Bobbsey
  178. Palindromic Bobbsey twin
  179. Palindromic Bobbsey twin name
  180. Palindromic fictional twin
  181. Palindromic flat bread
  182. Palindromic girl`s name
  183. Palindromic Indian flatbread
  184. Palindromic literary twin
  185. Palindromic name
  186. Palindromic nickname
  187. Palindromic twin of children`s literature
  188. Palindromic twin of fiction
  189. Palindromic woman`s nickname
  190. Papadum alternative
  191. Photog Goldin
  192. Photographer goldin
  193. Ping River feeder
  194. Pita look-alike
  195. Pita`s Punjabi look-alike
  196. Poori`s cousin
  197. Product of Indian dough
  198. Pulitzer-winning writer robertson
  199. Punjabi bread
  200. Punjabi pita
  201. Relative must stop bleating about banana
  202. Relative of Able and Baker
  203. Reversible nickname
  204. River in Thailand
  205. River in Thailand or a literary twin
  206. River through northern thailand
  207. River of Thailand
  208. River in Asia
  209. River of Asia
  210. Round bread served with Indian food
  211. Scottish novelist shepherd
  212. Side served with shahi paneer
  213. Singer Merriman
  214. Sister of Bert Bobbsey
  215. Socialite Kempner
  216. Sop for aloo palak
  217. Soprano Merriman
  218. Spoiler from Salisbury
  219. Talese in publishing
  220. Tandoor bread
  221. Tandoori bread
  222. Tandoori-baked bread
  223. The Drew Carey Show regular Martin
  224. The House of the Seven Gables actress Grey
  225. The Hug photographer Goldin
  226. The Mugger actress Martin
  227. Thai river
  228. Thai waterway
  229. Tikka masala go-with
  230. Tucket topper
  231. Turkic flatbread
  232. Twin of Bert Bobbsey
  233. Twin of fiction
  234. Twin sister of Bert Bobbsey
  235. Waterway in Asia
  236. Waterway in Thailand
  237. Waterway of Asia
  238. Waterway of Thailand
  239. Woods of China Beach
  240. Writer Friday

Definitions of “nan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• In computing, NaN, standing for not a number
• Leavened bread baked in the tandoor
• National Academy of Neuropsychology
• Leavened bread baked in a clay oven in India
• A word formerly used in communications to represent the letter N
• Town, northern Thailand, in the Luang Phra Bang (Prabang) Range
• A river of western Thailand flowing southward to join the Ping River to form the Chao Phraya

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