nan (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Nan” but we did find clues
where “Nan” could be the answer:
- A female given name
- Actress grey
- Actress Grey of black-and-white films
- Actress Grey of Sutter`s Gold
- Actress Martin
- Actress Martin of The Other Side of the Mountain
- Actress martin or grey
- Actress Merriman
- Anagram for Ann
- Ann drove around Granny
- Annie
- Art photographer Goldin
- Artist Hudson
- Asian river
- Bert Bobbsey`s sib
- Bert bobbsey`s sis
- Bert Bobbsey`s sister
- Bert bobbsey`s twin
- Bert Bobbsey`s twin sister
- Bert`s bobbsey twin
- Bert`s fictional twin sister
- Bert`s mystery-solving twin
- Bert`s sister in books
- Bert`s sister in children`s literature
- Bert`s sister of literature
- Bert`s twin
- Bert`s twin sister
- Bert`s twin sister, in fiction
- Big-band vocalist Wynn
- Bobbsey girl
- Bobbsey miss
- Bobbsey sister
- Bobbsey twin
- Bobbsie twin
- Book editor Talese
- Bread also called khamiri
- Bread at an Indian restaurant
- Bread baked in a clay oven
- Bread baked in a tandoor
- Bread eaten with vindaloo
- Bread from India
- Bread in an indian restaurant
- Bread made with a key relative
- Bread of indian cuisine
- Bread often shaped like a teardrop
- Bread orderer`s alternative to poori
- Bread served in indian restaurants
- Bread served with Chicken tikka masala
- Bread served with korma
- Bread served with saag aloo
- Bread that might accompany biryani
- Bread with an indian meal
- Bread with mattar paneer
- Bread with pakoras
- Bread with sag aloo
- Bread with tandoori chicken
- Bread you might dip into vindaloo
- Brindian ed
- British grandma
- Britton who wrote The President`s Daughter, 1927
- Broadway lyricist Knighton
- Burt Bobbsey`s twin
- Chat novelist McCarthy
- Chicken vindaloo side
- Children`s author agle
- Code word for letter n
- Code word for N in the old US Phonetic Alphabet
- Congresswoman Hayworth
- Congresswoman Hayworth from New York
- Convent resident
- Curry bread
- Cy`s better half
- Daughter of Richard and Mary Bobbsey
- Diva merriman
- Documentary photographer Goldin
- Dwarf: Combining form
- East Indian flatbread
- Editor talese
- Editor Talese with a Doubleday imprint
- Editor Talese with her own Doubleday imprint
- Elder of the Bobbsey sisters
- English girl name
- Fabray or Friday
- Fabray or Goldin
- Fabray or Talese
- Fabray, casually
- Fabray
- Fabray, to friends
- Female Bobbsey
- Female Bobbsey twin
- Flat bread of india
- Flat Indian bread
- Flatbread served in an Indian restaurant
- Flatbread type
- Form of Anna
- Freddie and Flossie`s older sister
- Girl going up and down
- Girl in Gidget
- Girl in Masefield play
- Girls` nickname
- Gramma
- Grams
- Gran
- Grandma
- Grandma turns up again
- Grandma`s bread
- Grandma, affectionately
- Grandma, to some
- Grandmother
- Grandmother consumed banana
- Grandmother`s bread
- Grandmother`s girl
- Grandmother, to Brits
- Grannie
- Granny
- Granny`s bread
- Grey in Three Smart Girls
- Grey who co-starred in Three Smart Girls
- Harding`s Britton
- Hummus scoop, at times
- I`ll Be Your Mirror photographer Goldin
- Impact crater on Mars
- Indian baked bread
- Indian brat fled
- Indian bread
- Indian flat bread
- Indian flat round leavened bread
- Indian flatbread
- Indian pita relative
- Indian restaurant basketful
- Indian restaurant bread
- Indian restaurant extra
- Indian restaurant freebie
- Indian restaurant serving
- It may be eaten with tikka masala
- It may be served with ghee
- It might be served with lamb vindaloo
- Laura Lee Hope twin
- Legendary opera star Merriman
- Little girl`s grandma
- Little Hannah
- Little Miss Bobbsey
- Longtime Doubleday editor Talese
- Martin in Remember When
- Martin of Matters of the Heart
- Mary Bobbsey`s older daughter
- Masefield character
- Masefield heroine
- Masefield home
- McCarthy or Goldin
- Merriman of opera
- Merriman or Goldin
- Mezzo-soprano Merriman
- Mideast bread
- Mimi Kennedy TV role
- Miss bobbsey
- Miss Bobsey
- Miss Drew
- Miss Fabray, to friends
- Miss Tucket
- Ms. fabray to friends
- New York congresswoman Hayworth
- New York Congresswoman-elect Hayworth
- New York socialite Kempner
- Nickname for Nanette
- Not boy`s name for grandma!
- Noted New York photographer Goldin
- Older lady a bit on the side for Indian
- One of the bobbsey clan
- One of the bobbsey twins
- One of the bobbseys
- One of the Bobbseys, in children`s literature
- Opera singer Merriman
- Opera`s merriman
- Painter Hudson
- Palendromic river of thailand
- Palindromic Bobbsey
- Palindromic Bobbsey twin
- Palindromic Bobbsey twin name
- Palindromic fictional twin
- Palindromic flat bread
- Palindromic girl`s name
- Palindromic Indian flatbread
- Palindromic literary twin
- Palindromic name
- Palindromic nickname
- Palindromic twin of children`s literature
- Palindromic twin of fiction
- Palindromic woman`s nickname
- Papadum alternative
- Photog Goldin
- Photographer goldin
- Ping River feeder
- Pita look-alike
- Pita`s Punjabi look-alike
- Poori`s cousin
- Product of Indian dough
- Pulitzer-winning writer robertson
- Punjabi bread
- Punjabi pita
- Relative must stop bleating about banana
- Relative of Able and Baker
- Reversible nickname
- River in Thailand
- River in Thailand or a literary twin
- River through northern thailand
- River of Thailand
- River in Asia
- River of Asia
- Round bread served with Indian food
- Scottish novelist shepherd
- Side served with shahi paneer
- Singer Merriman
- Sister of Bert Bobbsey
- Socialite Kempner
- Sop for aloo palak
- Soprano Merriman
- Spoiler from Salisbury
- Talese in publishing
- Tandoor bread
- Tandoori bread
- Tandoori-baked bread
- The Drew Carey Show regular Martin
- The House of the Seven Gables actress Grey
- The Hug photographer Goldin
- The Mugger actress Martin
- Thai river
- Thai waterway
- Tikka masala go-with
- Tucket topper
- Turkic flatbread
- Twin of Bert Bobbsey
- Twin of fiction
- Twin sister of Bert Bobbsey
- Waterway in Asia
- Waterway in Thailand
- Waterway of Asia
- Waterway of Thailand
- Woods of China Beach
- Writer Friday
Definitions of “nan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• In computing, NaN, standing for not a number
• Leavened bread baked in the tandoor
• National Academy of Neuropsychology
• Leavened bread baked in a clay oven in India
• A word formerly used in communications to represent the letter N
• Town, northern Thailand, in the Luang Phra Bang (Prabang) Range
• A river of western Thailand flowing southward to join the Ping River to form the Chao Phraya
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