nerf (Crossword)

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We didn't find an exact match for “Nerf” but this clue may be related:

We didn't find answers to the clue “Nerf” but we did find clues where “Nerf” could be the answer:
  1. Abhors material for making toys
  2. Ball brand
  3. Ball brand name
  4. Ball brand since 1970
  5. Ball material
  6. Ball used for dorm hoops
  7. Big name in balls
  8. Big name in bedroom dunks
  9. Big name in foam projectiles
  10. Big name in harmless weapons
  11. Big name in soft balls
  12. Big name in spongy toys
  13. Big name in unnervingly militaristic toys
  14. Brand of ball
  15. Brand of Blasters and Bounce Balls
  16. Brand of indoor balls
  17. Brand of squishy toys
  18. Brand that includes N-Strike blasters
  19. Company that makes foam projectiles
  20. Dart Tag maker
  21. Dorm hoops ball
  22. Foam ball brand
  23. Foam ball maker
  24. Foam darts brand
  25. Foam football
  26. Foam football maker
  27. Foam toy brand
  28. Foam-ball brand
  29. Foam-based brand
  30. Foam-toy brand
  31. Foam-toy name
  32. Foamy brand
  33. Foamy toy brand
  34. Football brand
  35. Harmless ball
  36. Harmless weapons maker
  37. Hasbro ball brand
  38. Hasbro brand
  39. Hasbro product
  40. Hasbro product
  41. Indoor ball
  42. Indoor ball brand
  43. Indoor ball material
  44. Indoor ball type
  45. Indoor football name
  46. Kid`s ball material
  47. Kiddy toy material
  48. Kids` indoor ball material
  49. Kind of football
  50. Kind of gun
  51. Koosh competitor
  52. Less hurtful ball material
  53. Lightweight ball brand
  54. Line of Hasbro toys
  55. Maker of foam projectiles
  56. Maker of foam toys
  57. Maker of soft balls
  58. Maker of soft wares
  59. Maker of spongy toys
  60. Maker of squishy balls
  61. Maker of Super Soaker water guns
  62. Maker of the Dart Tag toy line
  63. Maker of the game dart tag
  64. Maker of the Super Soaker
  65. Maker of the Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster
  66. Maker of Zombie Strike toys
  67. Material for playroom hoops balls
  68. Name in soft balls
  69. Nonlethal ammo brand
  70. Noted ball hawk
  71. Play ball maker
  72. Pro Grip Football maker
  73. Producer of sponge balls
  74. Safe ball
  75. SharpShooter II maker
  76. Sinew: Fr
  77. Soft ball
  78. Soft ball brand
  79. Soft ball company
  80. Soft ball maker
  81. Soft ball material
  82. Soft ball name
  83. Soft ball since 1969
  84. Soft ball substance
  85. Soft football material
  86. Soft sports equipment maker
  87. Soft toy brand
  88. Soft toy material
  89. Soft-ball brand
  90. Soft-ball manufacturer
  91. Soft-toy stuff
  92. Soft-toy substance
  93. Softball
  94. Sponge ball brand
  95. Sponge ball producer
  96. Spongy ball
  97. Spongy ball brand
  98. Spongy ball material
  99. Spongy ball substance
  100. Spongy stuff
  101. Spongy toy
  102. Spongy toy ball
  103. Spongy toy ball material
  104. Spongy toy brand
  105. Spongy toy material
  106. Spongy-ball brand
  107. Squishy ball brand
  108. Squishy football maker
  109. Squishy sports brand
  110. Squishy sports toy material
  111. Super Soaker brand
  112. Tail-finned football brand
  113. Toy ball brand
  114. Toy ball material
  115. Toy brand designed for indoor play
  116. Toy brand for lightweights
  117. Toy brand with soft sales
  118. Toy football word
  119. Toy label launched in 1969
  120. Toy line that sells Lazer Tag blasters
  121. Type of ball
  122. Type of spongy football
  123. Vortex Mini Ultra Grip Football manufacturer

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Definitions of “nerf”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Slang for to bump another vehicle slightly with one's own vehicle
• To bump lightly against another car, usually from behind and often on purpose
• To make worse or weaken, usually in the context of weakening something in order to balance out a game
• (video gaming) In video gaming, a nerf is a change to a game that makes something less effective or desirable
• Nerf (trademarked in capitals as NERF) is a toy brand created by Parker Brothers and currently owned by Hasbro

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