nimby (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Nimby” but this clue may be related:
- Nimby no-no ( = SANDPIT)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Nimby” but we did find clues
where “Nimby” could be the answer:
- `Anywhere but here` acronym
- Acronym used to protest nearby landfills
- Acronym used to protest new landfills
- Anywhere else! acronym
- An opponent of controversial legislation (slang)
- Build it somewhere else acronym
- Certain objector acronymically
- Contestant
- Dissenter
- Dissident
- Keep that out of our town! acronym
- Keep that out of this neighborhood acronym
- Local protest acronym
- Modern political acronym
- Objector
- Opposition to government projects near one`s home
- Property owner`s acronym, regarding nearby change
- Protester
These clues may also be related:
- NIMBY starter ( = NOT)
- NIMBY sentiment ( = ANYWHERE BUT HERE)
- NIMBY part ( = NOT)
- NIMBY opener ( = NOT)
Definitions of “nimby”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Acronym for Not In My Back Yard
• NIMBY (an acronym for the phrase `Not In My Back Yard`)
• Not in my backyard regarding siting of energy generation and transmission infrastructure
• Not In My Back Yard â€` a way of describing people who aren`t necessarily against a development
• Nimby (an acronym for Not In My Back Yard) is slang for an opponent of controversial legislation
• Someone who objects to siting something in their own neighborhood but does not object to it being sited elsewhere
• An acronym for 'not in my back yard' used when discussing planning issues particularly the development of new social housing
• Not in my backyard: used to express opposition by local citizens to the locating in their neighborhood of a civic project
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