nixie (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Nixie” but we did find clues
where “Nixie” could be the answer:
- Dead letter, in post office talk
- Dungeon & Dragons creature
- Female sprite
- Germanic water spirit
- Greek girl name
- Nothing (slang)
- Slang for nothing
- Undeliverable letter
- Undeliverable letter, in post-office slang
- Undeliverable letter, to a postal worker
- Undeliverable letter, to postal employees
- Undeliverable piece of mail
- Water sprite
Definitions of “nixie”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (postal) A Nixie is an undeliverable-as-addressed mailing
• A letter or parcel that is undeliverable by the post office because of a faulty or illegible address
• The return, by post office, of a mailing piece which proves undeliverable because of inaccurate name or address
• A bad address. A mailing piece returned to a mailer (under proper authorization) by the Postal Service because of an incorrect
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