parmesan (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Parmesan” but we did find clues
where “Parmesan” could be the answer:
- Baked ziti ingredient
- Cheese
- Cheese at pizza parlors
- Cheese choice
- Cheese cut & grated
- Cheese for pasta
- Cheese to sprinkle on spaghetti
- Cheese type
- Cheese with spaghetti and meatballs
- Dry hard cheese made from part-skimmed milk
- Grated cheese
- Hard dry sharp-flavored Italian cheese
- Hard, dry Italian cheese
- Hard, granular, golden cheese from parma
- Italian cheese
- Italian grated cheese
- Item sprinkled on pasta
- Kraft offering in a can
- Oft-sprinkled cheese
- Pasta cheese
- Pasta topper
- Pasta topping
- Ristorante cheese
- Ristorante topper
- Self-centered cheese
- Spaghetti sauce topper
- Tortellini topping
Definitions of “parmesan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (Italian) Hard, granular, golden cheese from Parma
• Hard, sharp cow`s-milk cheese used primarily in grated form
• Parmesan is a generic English term for several Italian cheeses of the Grana family
• Parmesan cheese is a variety of cheese inspired by Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese from Parma
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