patton (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Patton” but we did find clues
where “Patton” could be the answer:
- Battle of the Bulge commander
- Battle of the Bulge leader
- Best Film of 1970
- Best picture of 1970
- Best Picture, 1970
- English boy name
- Feature with very short title
- Feature with single word title
- Feature with very short name
- Feature with single word name
- Feature with very short epithet
- Feature with short epithet
- Feature with short title
- Film with single word name
- Film with single word title
- Film with very short epithet
- Film with short epithet
- Film with very short title
- Film with short title
- Film with very short name
- Flick with very short epithet
- Flick with very short name
- Flick with single word title
- Flick with short epithet
- Flick with short title
- Flick with single word name
- Flick with very short title
- GC Scott role
- General buried in Hamm, Luxembourg
- General nicknamed Old Blood and Guts
- Iron Pants
- Movie with very short title
- Movie with short epithet
- Movie with short title
- Movie with very short name
- Movie with single word title
- Movie with very short epithet
- Movie with single word name
- Mr. Bungle vocalist Mike
- Old blood and guts
- One word silver screen show
- One word feature
- One-word film
- One word silver screen feature
- One word film
- One-word movie
- One-word flick
- One-word feature
- One-word silver screen feature
- One word movie
- Oscar film: 1970
- Oscar winner of 1970
- Scott role
- Scott role in a 1970 Oscar film
- Scott`s oscar role
- Silver screen show with short epithet
- Silver screen show with very short title
- Single-word flick
- Single-word feature
- Silver screen feature with single word title
- Single word movie
- Single-word silver screen show
- Silver screen feature with very short name
- Silver screen show with very short name
- Silver screen show with single word title
- Silver screen feature with short title
- Silver screen feature with very short epithet
- Silver screen show with single word name
- Single word silver screen show
- Single-word movie
- Silver screen show with very short epithet
- Silver screen feature with single word name
- Single word feature
- Single-word silver screen feature
- Single-word film
- Single word flick
- Silver screen feature with short epithet
- Silver screen show with short title
- Single word film
- Single word silver screen feature
- Silver screen feature with very short title
- Third Army commander in WWII
- Third Army leader
- WWII celebrity
- World War II general George
- World war ii hero
- WWII general and title figure in a 1970 movie
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