pietà (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Pietà” but we did find clues where “Pietà” could be the answer:
  1. Animal rights group adopting one religious image
  2. Angel in art
  3. Attraction at Saint Peter`s
  4. Buonarotti masterwork
  5. Buonarroti creation
  6. Buonarroti masterpiece
  7. Buonarroti work
  8. Christian term
  9. Classic mother-and-son statue
  10. Cynosure of the Fair
  11. Damaged art treasure
  12. Depiction of Mary and Jesus
  13. Draw for Vatican visitors
  14. Duomo statue in Firenze
  15. Easter painting or sculpture
  16. Ethics book
  17. Famed Michelangelo sculpture
  18. Famed sculpture
  19. Famed statue
  20. Famous art classic
  21. Famous sculpture
  22. Famous sculpture in Rome
  23. Famous work of art
  24. Giotto fresco
  25. Grieving Mary
  26. Holy depiction
  27. Holy work of art
  28. It`s apt, IE, to be seen in a museum
  29. Italian words and phrase
  30. Lamentation of Christ work
  31. Madonna masterpiece
  32. Madonna picture
  33. Madonna portrayal
  34. Madonna rendition
  35. Madonna statue
  36. Madonna-and-child artwork
  37. Madonna-and-child depiction
  38. Madonna-and-child sculpture
  39. Madonna-and-Christ sculpture
  40. Madonna-and-son depiction
  41. Marble masterwork of 1499
  42. Mary grieving
  43. Mary in mourning
  44. Mary-in-mourning sculpture
  45. Marble sculpture
  46. Michaelangelo masterpiece
  47. Michelangelo classic
  48. Michelangelo creation
  49. Michelangelo figure
  50. Michelangelo group
  51. Michelangelo marble
  52. Michelangelo marvel
  53. Michelangelo masterpiece
  54. Michelangelo masterwork
  55. Michelangelo opus
  56. Michelangelo piece
  57. Michelangelo sculpture
  58. Michelangelo sculpture featuring Mary
  59. Michelangelo sculpture in the Vatican
  60. Michelangelo sculpture in Vatican City
  61. Michelangelo statue
  62. Michelangelo statue vandalized in 1972
  63. Michelangelo work
  64. Michelangelo work found in the Vatican
  65. Michelangelo work in the vatican
  66. Michelangelo`s 1499 marble masterpiece
  67. Michelangelo`s masterpiece
  68. Michelangelo`s Mother of Sorrows
  69. Michelangelo`s only signed work
  70. Michelangeo masterpiece
  71. Mondrian with a Michelangelo work
  72. Mother and Child
  73. Mother-and-son statue
  74. Mourning figure
  75. NY fair feature
  76. NY World`s Fair attraction
  77. Notable piece of sculpture
  78. Noted italian marble
  79. One of a Michelangelo trio
  80. Only work Michelangelo ever signed
  81. Only work of art that Michelangelo signed
  82. Only work that Michelangelo signed
  83. Painting of Mary and baby Jesus
  84. Painting of mary and jesus
  85. Passion portrayal
  86. Passionate rendition of Madonna
  87. Passionate scene
  88. Painting about death
  89. Painting by Filippo Lippi
  90. Painting by Giovanni Bellini
  91. Painting by Rogier van der Weyden
  92. Painting by Titian
  93. Painting depicting Jesus
  94. Painting depicting Mary Magdalene
  95. Painting of the Virgin Mary
  96. Picture of the mourning Mary
  97. Piece of religious art
  98. Pitiful artwork
  99. Pitiful piece of art
  100. Post-crucifixion depiction
  101. Post-crucifixion sculpture
  102. Post-crucifixion work of art
  103. Religious art piece
  104. Religious art work
  105. Religious artwork
  106. Religious painting
  107. Religious statue
  108. Religious-art subject
  109. Renaissance masterpiece finished in 1499
  110. Renaissance statue now on display in Vatican City
  111. Representation
  112. Sacred group in art
  113. Sacred sculpture
  114. Saint Peter`s sculpture
  115. Sculpture in Saint Peter`s basilica
  116. Sculpture of Mary`s grief
  117. Sculpture of the Virgin Mary and Jesus
  118. Sculpture by Gregorio Fernández
  119. Sculpture by Michelangelo
  120. Sculpture in Vatican City
  121. Sight at Saint Peter`s
  122. Sorrowing Mary
  123. Statue at Saint Peter`s
  124. Statue behind bulletproof glass
  125. Statue by Michelangelo
  126. Statue in Saint Peter`s
  127. Statue in the Duomo at Florence
  128. Statue of Mary and Jesus
  129. Statue of Jesus
  130. Statue of the Virgin Mary
  131. Subject of many sculptures
  132. Subject of works of art
  133. The only piece signed by Michelangelo
  134. Two Greek characters in religious depiction
  135. Two-figure sculpture
  136. Vandalized treasure
  137. Vatican art work
  138. Vatican city masterpiece
  139. Vatican City sculpture
  140. Vatican City statue
  141. Vatican masterpiece
  142. Vatican sculpture
  143. Vatican statue
  144. Vatican tourist attraction
  145. Vatican treasure
  146. Virgin Mary, in art
  147. Work in the Vatican
  148. Work of passion
  149. Work signed on Mary`s sash
  150. Work with Madonna

Definitions of “pietà”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• A representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the dead body of Jesus
• (Perugino) Pietà is a painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Pietro Perugino
• (Titian) Pietà is the last painting by the Italian master Titian (c
• (book) Pietà is a collection of essays by the Hungarian-Swedish biologist
• A representation of the dead Christ, attended by the Virgin Mary or by holy women and angels
• Artwork or sculpture that portrays the Virgin Mary cradling the lifeless body of Christ upon her lap
• As a theme in Christian art, depiction of the Virgin Mary supporting the body of the dead Christ
• The Pietà (pjeˈta) is a subject in Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus
• (Gregorio Fernández) The Pietà or Sexta Angustia (1619) is a work of Baroque sculpture by Gregorio Fernández
• (Michelangelo) The Pietà (1498–1499) is a world-famous work of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti

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