pollo (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Pollo” but we did find clues
where “Pollo” could be the answer:
- Arroz partner
- Brazilian hip hop group
- Burrito meat
- Cacciatore-style chicken
- Carne alternative
- Carnitas alternative
- Chicken
- Chicken in Chihuahua
- Chicken, in a taqueria
- Chicken, in Calabria
- Chicken, to Chico
- Chicken: Sp
- Chihuahua chicken
- It came before the huevo --- or did it
- It`s often served with arroz
- Mexican menu item
- Mexican restaurant entree
- Ristorante offering
- Spanish for `chicken`
- Spanish fowl
- Taqueria filling
- Taquería inventory
- Trattoria meat dish
Definitions of “pollo”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (Spanish) chicken
• (PO-yo) - The Italian and Spanish word for cooked chicken
• Chicken; pollo alla diavola, chicken, split, flattened under a weight
• (rap group) Pollo (sometimes also known as POLLO) is a rap group formed in 2010 in São Paulo from the MCs Luiz Tomim
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