potpie (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Potpie” but we did find clues
where “Potpie” could be the answer:
- Baked comfort food
- Baked entree
- Baked entree with a crust
- Baked, crusted entree
- Comfort food in a deep dish
- Common tv dinner
- Crusted meat dish
- Crusty dinner entree
- Crusty dish
- Crusty entree
- Crusty meal
- Deep-dish comfort food
- Deep-dish entree
- Deep-dish meal
- Dinner with a crust
- Dish
- Dish with a crust
- Early frozen dinner staple
- Entree from the frozen food department
- Entree that`s a pastry
- Entree with a crust
- Flaky entree
- Frozen-food entrée with a crust
- Hearty dish
- Meal with a crust
- Meal with a pastry crust
- One-dish dinner
- Pastry topped dish
- Popular casserole dish
- Potato, meat and sauce dish
- Purchase from the frozen foods section
- Round dish
- Round entree
- Savory pastry
- Savory pastry with meat and veggies and goop
- Stew in a crust
- Stew with crust
- Stew with dumplings
- Stew-filled pastry
- Stew-like dish
- Swanson offering
- Tv dinner fare
- Use for turkey leftovers
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