pretzel (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Pretzel” but we did find clues
where “Pretzel” could be the answer:
- American picture book
- Bar snack
- Bavarian treat
- Beloved trash snack
- Beloved quick meal
- Beloved trash food
- Beloved junk bite
- Beloved trash meal
- Beloved convenience bite
- Beloved quick food
- Beloved junk food
- Beloved convenience nosh
- Beloved junk meal
- Beloved quick bite
- Beloved quick snack
- Beloved trash nosh
- Beloved trash bite
- Beloved convenience snack
- Beloved convenience meal
- Beloved junk snack
- Beloved quick nosh
- Beloved convenience food
- Beloved junk nosh
- Chip alternative
- Cherished convenience snack
- Cherished convenience bite
- Cherished junk food
- Cherished convenience meal
- Cherished trash snack
- Cherished quick meal
- Cherished trash nosh
- Cherished convenience food
- Cherished quick nosh
- Cherished trash meal
- Cherished junk nosh
- Cherished quick bite
- Cherished junk snack
- Cherished quick snack
- Cherished convenience nosh
- Cherished junk meal
- Cherished junk bite
- Cherished trash bite
- Cherished trash food
- Cherished quick food
- Contortionist`s inspiration
- Convenience food
- Commonplace German culinary term
- Commonly used German culinary term
- Convenience meal
- Convenience snack
- Convenience nosh
- Convenience bite
- Cracker
- Culinary dish
- Everyday German culinary term
- Familiar German culinary term
- Fave quick nosh
- Fave trash bite
- Favourite quick bite
- Favorite convenience nosh
- Favourite trash food
- Favorite junk bite
- Fave quick food
- Favourite convenience food
- Favorite junk meal
- Favorite quick bite
- Favorite trash food
- Fave quick meal
- Favorite trash meal
- Fave junk bite
- Favourite junk bite
- Favourite trash nosh
- Favourite quick nosh
- Favourite trash meal
- Fave trash food
- Favorite quick snack
- Favorite convenience meal
- Favorite quick nosh
- Favorite junk nosh
- Favorite quick food
- Fave junk snack
- Fave quick bite
- Favorite convenience food
- Favorite junk food
- Favorite quick meal
- Favourite junk meal
- Favorite trash bite
- Favourite quick food
- Favorite trash nosh
- Favourite convenience meal
- Favourite quick meal
- Fave convenience nosh
- Fave junk food
- Fave trash nosh
- Fave junk nosh
- Favourite junk snack
- Favourite convenience nosh
- Favourite trash snack
- Fave quick snack
- Favorite convenience snack
- Favourite quick snack
- Favourite convenience snack
- Fave convenience snack
- Fave trash snack
- Fave trash meal
- Favourite junk food
- Favourite junk nosh
- Favorite junk snack
- Favourite convenience bite
- Favorite trash snack
- Fave convenience bite
- Fave convenience meal
- Favourite trash bite
- Fave convenience food
- Fave junk meal
- Favorite convenience bite
- German bread
- German pastry
- German culinary term found in English
- German culinary term commonly used in English
- German culinary term found in the English language
- German word used often in English
- German culinary term
- Junk meal
- Junk nosh
- Junk snack
- Junk food
- Junk bite
- Knotted nosh
- Knotted snack
- Knotty snack
- Party mix bit
- Prevalent German culinary term
- Quick bite
- Quick nosh
- Quick food
- Quick snack
- Quick meal
- Revered convenience meal
- Revered trash nosh
- Revered quick food
- Revered trash bite
- Revered convenience snack
- Revered convenience nosh
- Revered junk snack
- Revered convenience bite
- Revered junk nosh
- Revered trash meal
- Revered convenience food
- Revered trash snack
- Revered junk food
- Revered junk bite
- Revered junk meal
- Revered trash food
- Revered quick meal
- Revered quick snack
- Revered quick bite
- Revered quick nosh
- Salted cracker
- Salty snack
- Stick in the cupboard
- Street vendor`s snack
- Trash meal
- Trash bite
- Trash food
- Trash nosh
- Trash snack
- Twisted bread
- Twisted snack
- Type of bread
- Type of food
- World cuisine
Definitions of “pretzel”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A crisp, dry biscuit, usually in the form of a knot or stick
• A larger version of this, made of soft, chewy bread dough
• Glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot
• Adding a 270° dismount in the opposite direction after a 90° slide
• A brittle, glazed-and-salted cracker of German or Alsatian origin
• (short story) Pretzel is a children`s short story written in 1944 by Margret Rey
• Spinning one way (front or backside) onto a box or rail and the other way off of the feature
• A pretzel (Brezel) is a type of baked bread product made from dough most commonly shaped into a unique knot
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