psaltery (Crossword)

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PSALTERY - This ancient Greek harp has all its strings open to produce one single note each

We didn't find answers to the clue “Psaltery” but we did find clues where “Psaltery” could be the answer:
  1. Ancient Greek musical instrument
  2. Choral instrument
  3. Czech melodic equipment
  4. Czech symphonic device
  5. Czech musical equipment
  6. Czech melodic apparatus
  7. Czech equipment
  8. Czech symphonic apparatus
  9. Czech music device
  10. Czech symphonic instrument
  11. Czech symphonic equipment
  12. Czech instrument
  13. Czech music equipment
  14. Czech apparatus
  15. Czech musical device
  16. Czech device
  17. Czech melodic device
  18. Czech melodic instrument
  19. Czech musical instrument
  20. Czech music apparatus
  21. Czech musical apparatus
  22. Czech music instrument
  23. Dulcimer`s kin
  24. European symphonic equipment
  25. European music device
  26. European symphonic apparatus
  27. European music instrument
  28. European music apparatus
  29. European musical instrument
  30. European music equipment
  31. European symphonic instrument
  32. European symphonic device
  33. French word used in English
  34. French word in the English language
  35. Greek melodic device
  36. Greek symphonic device
  37. Greek equipment
  38. Greek apparatus
  39. Greek symphonic instrument
  40. Greek musical device
  41. Greek instrument
  42. Greek melodic apparatus
  43. Greek musical instrument
  44. Greek symphonic equipment
  45. Greek music apparatus
  46. Greek melodic equipment
  47. Greek music device
  48. Greek device
  49. Greek musical equipment
  50. Greek music equipment
  51. Greek symphonic apparatus
  52. Greek music instrument
  53. Greek melodic instrument
  54. Greek musical apparatus
  55. Instrument changing that which follows lines
  56. Instrument
  57. Lyre`s old cousin
  58. Maestro`s apparatus
  59. Maestro`s implement
  60. Maestro`s gadget
  61. Maestro`s device
  62. Maestro`s gizmo
  63. Maestro`s tool
  64. Maestro`s appliance
  65. Maestro`s instrument
  66. Melodic instrument
  67. Musical doodad
  68. Musician`s appliance
  69. Musician`s device
  70. Music machine
  71. Musical gadget
  72. Musical apparatus
  73. Musical instrument
  74. Musical gizmo
  75. Musical device
  76. Musical implement
  77. Musician`s apparatus
  78. Musician`s tool
  79. Slovenian music apparatus
  80. Slovenian instrument
  81. Slovenian melodic apparatus
  82. Slovenian symphonic device
  83. Slovenian musical device
  84. Slovenian melodic instrument
  85. Slovenian music equipment
  86. Slovenian equipment
  87. Slovenian melodic device
  88. Slovenian device
  89. Slovenian musical instrument
  90. Slovenian musical apparatus
  91. Slovenian melodic equipment
  92. Slovenian music instrument
  93. Slovenian musical equipment
  94. Slovenian symphonic apparatus
  95. Slovenian apparatus
  96. Slovenian symphonic instrument
  97. Slovenian music device
  98. Slovenian symphonic equipment
  99. Stringed instrument

Definitions of “psaltery”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• (from Greek psaltrion: `harp`)
• A stringed instrument of music used by the Hebrews
• Box zither; raised wooden board or box with soundholes
• The psaltery was an ancient musical instrument of a type used by the Jews
• An ancient stringed instrument similar to the lyre or zither but having a trapezoidal sounding board under the strings
• An ancient musical instrument consisting of a flat sounding box with numerous strings which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum

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