pygmalion (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Pygmalion” but this clue may be related:
- Pygmalion, for one ( = PLAY)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Pygmalion” but we did find clues
where “Pygmalion” could be the answer:
- Doting legendary sculptor
- French play
- GB Shaw play
- Galatea`s sculptor, in myth
- German-language opera
- Greek boy name
- Greek mythological priestess
- He loved his work
- King in Greek mythology
- Lovesick king
- Mythical being
- Mythological sculptor who really loved his work
- Opera by Georg Benda
- Play by GBS
- Play set in London
- Professor Henry Higgins, to Shaw
- Shaw play that was the basis for My Fair Lady
- Shaw show
- Shaw work
- West End play
- Work based on Metamorphoses
These clues may also be related:
- Pygmalion-penning playwright, initially ( = GBS)
- Pygmalion`s statuesque maiden ( = GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s statue ( = GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s sister ( = DIDO)
- Pygmalion`s sculpture ( = GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s maiden ( = GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s love (2 words, e.g. GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s ivory statue ( = GALATEA)
- Pygmalion`s handiwork ( = STATUE)
- Pygmalion`s Doolittle ( = ELIZA)
Definitions of “pygmalion”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (play) Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw
• In Greek mythology, a king who was the father of Metharme and
• (italics) a comedy (1912) by George Bernard Shaw
• King of Cyprus; carved ivory statue of maiden which Aphrodite gave life as Galatea
• Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell in love with a statue of a woman he had carved
• (Greek mythology) a king who created a statue of a woman and fell in love with it
• (Rousseau) Pygmalion is the most influential dramatic work by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
• In Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus who made an image in ivory of a maiden
• In Greek mythology, a king of Cyprus who fell in love with an ivory statue he had carved
• A sculptor and king of Cyprus who carved an ivory statue of a maiden and fell in love with it
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