ripper (Crossword)

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You may have more luck with these tips:

  • Try leaving out common words i.e. “the”,“it”, etc. Direct questions get more results. i.e. “Capital of Norway”,“Small rodent”, etc.
  • While typing (slowly) suggested clues will appear.
  • Try changing the wording. (e.g. try singular instead of plural, try present tense instead of past tense, use a synonym, etc.)

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Definitions of “ripper”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• (racquet) Ripper is a racquetball racquet
• A tool for trimming the edges of roofing slates
• Exclamation of delight or as a reaction to good news
• Ripper is slang for huge, extreme, startling, etc
• A murderer who slashes the victims with a knife
• An accomplished skier or snowboarder who knows how to shred
• Australian slang for something of particular excellence
• One who brings fish from the seacoast to markets in inland towns
• A coal extraction machine that works by tearing the coal from the face
• Ripper is a network backdoor Trojan that communicates through port 2023
A further 6 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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