samaritan (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Samaritan” but we did find clues
where “Samaritan” could be the answer:
- American crime novel
- Benefactor
- Biblical helper
- Character created by Alex Ross
- Do-gooder
- Good deed doer
- Good one
- Good one of a parable
- Good person in a parable
- Good samaritan
- Helper
- Helper of devil eating up one animal
- Helper of parable
- Lender of a helping hand
- Memorable provider of roadside aid
- Roadside assister
- Selfless aid offerer
- Selfless helper
- Tribe member in 2Kings 17:29
- Unicode block
Definitions of “samaritan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Of or pertaining to Samaria, in Palestine
• Samaritan: See Good Samaritan
• Tracked armoured ambulance (UK)
• A group of people who lived in Samaria at the time of Jesus
• A member of the people inhabiting Samaria in biblical times
• Samaritan is the British armoured unarmed ambulance vehicle based on the Striker
• (Unicode block) Samaritan is a Unicode block containing characters used for writing Samaritan Hebrew and Aramaic
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