serra (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Serra” but we did find clues
where “Serra” could be the answer:
- Abstract sculptor Richard
- Beatified Junipero
- Brazilian mountain chain
- California mission founder
- California mission founder Junipero
- California missionary
- California missionary Junipero
- Canonized California missionary
- Capistrano founder junipero
- Early california missionary
- Eighteenth century California missionary
- Famed Franciscan missionary
- Famed missionary Junipero
- Father junipero
- Founder of the San Buenaventura mission
- Fr. Junipero
- Franciscan missionary in Calif
- Friar canonized by Francis
- Golden Gate Park statue
- Greek war dance
- Italian surname
- Junipero serra
- Man with many missions
- Man with missions
- Memorable missionary
- Miguel jose serra
- Minimalist sculptor Richard
- Mission founder Junipero
- Missionary
- Missionary Junipero
- Missioner
- Modern sculptor Richard
- Mountain range: Portuguese
- Part of a sawfish
- Pioneer missionary in California
- Portuguese girl name
- Portuguese surname
- Roamin` catholic
- San Diego founder Junipero
- Saw of a fish
- Saw of a sawfish
- Saw of sawfish
- Saw: Lat
- Sawfish
- Sawfish beak
- Sawfish snout
- Sawfish`s saw
- Sawfish`s snout
- Sawfly`s saw
- Sawlike organ
- Sawlike part
- Sculptor of massive steel Richard
- Sculptor Richard
- Snout of a sawfish
- Some bosnians
- Spanish missionary Junipero
- Swordfish feature
- Swordfish`s sword
- The Apostle of California
- Tilted Arc sculptor
- Tooth-edged organ
Definitions of “serra”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Literally, saw, this was a term used for a serrated battle formation
• (dance) Serra (Σέρρα) is an ancient Pontic Greek war dance
• Italian designation for a particularly protected, sunny location of a vineyard
• Serra In zoology, a sawlike organ or part, as the saw of a sawfish or of a sawfly
• Spanish missionary who founded Franciscan missions in California (1713-1784)
• Junipero Serra Spanish missionary who founded Franciscan missions in California (1713-1784)
• (Rocca Santa Maria) Serra is an Italian village and frazione of the Commune of Rocca Santa Maria in the Province of Teramo
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