shoehorn (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Shoehorn” but this clue may be related:
- To use a shoehorn ( = SHOEHORN)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Shoehorn” but we did find clues
where “Shoehorn” could be the answer:
- Blaring loafer
- Bootery implement
- Device
- Device to help get into footwear
- Dressing accessory
- Fit for a specific purpose even when not well suited
- Footwear accessory
- Footwear seller`s implement
- Footwear-seller`s implement
- Force into a tight space
- Help for a tight fit
- Oxford aid
- Squeeze into a tight space
- To exert great effort to insert or include
- To force into
- To include despite potent reasons not to
- To squeeze into
- To use a shoehorn
These clues may also be related:
- Blaring loafer
- Bootery implement
- Device
- Device to help get into footwear
- Dressing accessory
- Fit for a specific purpose even when not well suited
- Footwear accessory
- Footwear seller`s implement
- Footwear-seller`s implement
- Force into a tight space
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