sophocles (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Sophocles” but this clue may be related:
- Sophocles, for one ( = HELLENE)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Sophocles” but we did find clues
where “Sophocles” could be the answer:
- `Oedipus Rex` dramatist
- Antigone author
- Athenian tragedian
- Author of `oedipus at colonus`
- Character of great significance
- Character of great prominence
- Character of great influence
- Dramatist
- Dramatist from Colonus
- Figure of great significance
- Figure of great prominence
- Figure of great influence
- Great Greek tragedian
- He wrote Time eases all things
- Influential personality
- Influential figure
- Individual of great prominence
- Individual of great influence
- Influential somebody
- Individual of great significance
- Influential person
- Influential character
- Leading personality
- Leading figure
- Leading somebody
- Leading individual
- Leading person
- Leading character
- Major-league person
- Major-league individual
- Major-league character
- Major-league figure
- Major-league personality
- Major-league somebody
- Personality of great prominence
- Person of great influence
- Person of great prominence
- Personality of great significance
- Personality of great influence
- Person of great significance
- Playwright
- Prominent somebody
- Prominent individual
- Prominent personality
- Prominent person
- Prominent figure
- Prominent character
- Significant personality
- Significant individual
- Significant person
- Significant character
- Significant somebody
- Significant figure
- Somebody of great significance
- Somebody of great prominence
- Somebody of great influence
These clues may also be related:
- Sophocles`s forte ( = DRAMA)
- Sophocles` stubborn king ( = CREON)
- Sophocles` insightful tragedy ( = OEDIPUS X-RAY)
- Sophocles` forte ( = DRAMA)
- Sophocles work ( = ANTIGONE)
- Sophocles tragedy (4 words, e.g. AJAX)
- Sophocles title hero ( = AJAX)
- Sophocles title character ( = OEDIPUS)
- Sophocles subject ( = ELECTRA)
- Sophocles skill ( = IRONY)
Definitions of “sophocles”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A writer of plays who died in 406 BC
• Sophocles (z; Σοφοκλῆς, Sophoklēs, anc
• One of the great tragedians of ancient Greece (496-406 BC)
• With Aeschylus and Euripides, one of classical Athens` three great tragic playwrights
• Athenian dramatist. He is credited with having developed tragedy by introducing a third actor and scene-painting
• (software) Sophocles was a Windows-based screenwriting software application used for writing feature film and television screenplays
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