soyuz (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Soyuz” but we did find clues
where “Soyuz” could be the answer:
- Apollo counterpart
- Character created by John Ostrander
- Cosmonaut carrier
- Cosmonaut`s craft
- DC Comics metahuman
- It means union in Russian
- Russian invention
- Russian launch vehicle
- Russian space program
- Russian space program started in the 1960s
- Russian spacecraft
- Russian spacecraft name
- Shuttle to the Space Shuttle
- Soviet counterpart to Apollo
- Soviet invention
- Soviet space program
- Soviet space venture
- Soviet spacecraft
- Vehicle visiting the International Space Station
- Voskhod successor
Definitions of “soyuz”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A series of manned Russian spacecraft, in use longer than any other
• Soyuz (Cyrillic: `Союз`) is Russian for `Union`
• Soyuz was the Soviet manned space programme that started in the 1960's
• Any of several versions of Soviet/Russian manned spacecraft launched since 1967 and the longest-serving manned-spacecraft design in use
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