spin-off (Crossword)
We didn't find an exact match for “Spin-off” but these clues may be related:
- Spin (21 words, e.g. BACKSPIN)
- Go for a spin (5 words, e.g. MOTOR)
- In a spin (2 words, e.g. AREEL)
- Go --- spin ( = FORA)
- Spin --- ( = AYARN)
- Spin over and over ( = REPIVOT)
- Spin, for one ( = CYCLE)
These clues may also be related:
- Spin-offs of a sort ( = SECTS)
- Spin-off starring Valerie Harper ( = RHODA)
- Spin-off procedural ( = CSI MIAMI)
- Spin-off of The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( = RHODA)
- Spin-off of Jefferson Airplane ( = HOT TUNA)
- Spin-off of Hercules ( = XENA)
- Spin-off of CBS`s JAG ( = NCIS)
- Spin-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( = ANGEL)
- Spin-off group ( = SECT)
- Spin-off featuring Tom Selleck`s mini-me ( = MAGNUMPIXY)
Definitions of “spin-off”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A form of divestiture resulting in a subsidiary or division becoming an independent company
• (game show) Spin-Off is an American game show created and produced by Nick Nicholson and E
• A company can create an independent company from an existing part of the company by selling or distributing new shares in the so-called spin-off
• A company can create an independent company from an existing part of the company by selling or distributing new shares in the so-called spinoff
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