supergirl (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Supergirl” but we did find clues
where “Supergirl” could be the answer:
- American superhero
- Character created by John Byrne
- Comic by Arnold Drake
- Comic with female protagonists
- Dance-pop song
- DC Comics alien
- DC Comics angel
- DC Comics character who can teleport
- DC Comics character with accelerated healing
- DC Comics character with superhuman strength
- DC Comics metahuman
- DC Comics superhero
- Extraterrestrial superhero
- Fictional adoptee
- Fictional American secret agent
- Fictional character from parallel universe
- Fictional character with superhuman sense
- Fictional orphan
- Fictional reporter
- Fictional shapeshifter
- Fictional waiting staff
- Hilary Duff song
- Lesbian-related television program
- Linda Lee Danvers`s alter ego
- Number-one single in Austria
- Song written by Greg Wells
- Song written by Kara DioGuardi
- The CW show
- Universal Music Group single
Definitions of “supergirl”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• (Matrix) In 2006, another character calling herself Matrix was created by Geoff Johns
• Introduced in 1959, a number of different characters have assumed the Supergirl mantle over the decades
• (Kara Zor-El) The Supergirl character first appeared in a story published in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) titled `The Supergirl from Krypton
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