texan (Crossword)

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We didn't find answers to the clue “Texan” but we did find clues where “Texan” could be the answer:
  1. `60s Dallas gridder
  2. American article in the next edition
  3. Country in America
  4. Ann Richards, for one
  5. Arian Foster
  6. Arlington resident
  7. Austin native
  8. Austin or Houston
  9. Austin resident
  10. Beaumont resident
  11. Beefhead
  12. Bentsen, for one
  13. Brownsville boy
  14. Buddy Holly or Sam Houston
  15. Bush or Johnson
  16. Bush or Perot
  17. Bush, for one
  18. Bush, notably
  19. Candy bar
  20. Carol burnett, by birth
  21. Carol burnett, for one
  22. Certain NFLer
  23. Certain pro football player
  24. Character in The Last Picture Show
  25. Corpus Christi native
  26. Dale Evans, by birth
  27. Dale Evans, for one
  28. Dallas denizen
  29. Dallas dweller
  30. Dallas native
  31. Denison denizen
  32. Drawling statesman!
  33. Dwight Eisenhower or Lyndon Johnson
  34. Eisenhower for one
  35. Eisenhower or Perot
  36. Eisenhower was one, by birth
  37. Either Bush
  38. Either president bush
  39. El Paso native
  40. Figure one in ten is American
  41. Fort Worth native
  42. From the Lone Star State
  43. Galveston native
  44. Galvestonian, for one
  45. Gene autry or audie murphy
  46. George bush, for one
  47. Governor Rick Perry, for one
  48. H. Ross Perot, for one
  49. Houston athlete since 2002
  50. Houston native
  51. Houston NFLer
  52. Houston or Austin resident
  53. Houston pro since 2002
  54. Houston resident
  55. Houston resident or football player
  56. Houston, but not San Antonio
  57. Houstonian
  58. Ike, by birth
  59. In a certain state
  60. JJ Watt
  61. JR ewing, for one
  62. Jadeveon Clowney, as of 5/8/14
  63. Jaguar`s rival
  64. Janis Joplin
  65. Janis Joplin or Scott Joplin
  66. Joe Ely, Janis Joplin, or George Strait
  67. Johnson or Garner
  68. Josh Beckett, by birth
  69. LaDainian Tomlinson, by birth
  70. Lady Bird, for one
  71. Lance Armstrong or Carol Burnett
  72. Laura Bush, for one
  73. LBJ
  74. LBJ or GWB
  75. LBJ was one
  76. LBJ, by birth
  77. LBJ, for one
  78. Like many a longhorn
  79. Like Molly Ivins
  80. Like Sam Houston`s constituents
  81. Like some barbecue
  82. Like Stephen F. Austin
  83. Liver in Lubbock
  84. Lone Star native
  85. Lone Star State denizen
  86. Lone Star State resident
  87. Longhorn
  88. Lubbock lady
  89. Lubbock native
  90. Lubbock resident
  91. Lyndon Johnson, by birth
  92. Man from El Paso
  93. Man from Port Arthur
  94. Man from Waco
  95. Man with a big hat
  96. Many an oilman
  97. Member of an 1836-1845 republic
  98. Michael Dell, for one
  99. Molly Ivins
  100. Molly ivins, for one
  101. Native of Dallas
  102. Native of Jim Hogg County
  103. Native of Odessa or Paris
  104. Next, a Bush
  105. NRG Stadium player
  106. Odessa native
  107. Oklahoman`s neighbor
  108. Oklahoman`s southern neighbor
  109. Old tv western starring rory calhoun, with `the`
  110. One from Austin
  111. One from Big D
  112. One from Waco
  113. Paris native
  114. Paris resident
  115. Perot or bush
  116. Perot, for one
  117. Person from El Paso
  118. Person from Houston
  119. Person from San Antonio or Waco
  120. President Bush, for one
  121. President number 36, number 41 or number 43
  122. Ranger or rancher
  123. Rather or Ritter
  124. Reliant Park athlete
  125. Reliant Stadium player
  126. Resident of Austin
  127. Resident of the 28th state
  128. Ross Perot
  129. Ross Perot, for one
  130. Secessionist Governor Rick Perry, for one
  131. Selena, Edie Brickell, or Joe Ely
  132. Statehood claimed by Giant characters
  133. Statesman like Lyndon Johnson
  134. Stephen F. Austin, notably
  135. Stereotypical oil tycoon
  136. Steve Martin, by birth
  137. Ted Cruz notably
  138. Tower, for one
  139. Waco man
  140. Waco native
  141. Yarborough, for one

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