texan (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Texan” but we did find clues
where “Texan” could be the answer:
- `60s Dallas gridder
- American article in the next edition
- Country in America
- Ann Richards, for one
- Arian Foster
- Arlington resident
- Austin native
- Austin or Houston
- Austin resident
- Beaumont resident
- Beefhead
- Bentsen, for one
- Brownsville boy
- Buddy Holly or Sam Houston
- Bush or Johnson
- Bush or Perot
- Bush, for one
- Bush, notably
- Candy bar
- Carol burnett, by birth
- Carol burnett, for one
- Certain NFLer
- Certain pro football player
- Character in The Last Picture Show
- Corpus Christi native
- Dale Evans, by birth
- Dale Evans, for one
- Dallas denizen
- Dallas dweller
- Dallas native
- Denison denizen
- Drawling statesman!
- Dwight Eisenhower or Lyndon Johnson
- Eisenhower for one
- Eisenhower or Perot
- Eisenhower was one, by birth
- Either Bush
- Either president bush
- El Paso native
- Figure one in ten is American
- Fort Worth native
- From the Lone Star State
- Galveston native
- Galvestonian, for one
- Gene autry or audie murphy
- George bush, for one
- Governor Rick Perry, for one
- H. Ross Perot, for one
- Houston athlete since 2002
- Houston native
- Houston NFLer
- Houston or Austin resident
- Houston pro since 2002
- Houston resident
- Houston resident or football player
- Houston, but not San Antonio
- Houstonian
- Ike, by birth
- In a certain state
- JJ Watt
- JR ewing, for one
- Jadeveon Clowney, as of 5/8/14
- Jaguar`s rival
- Janis Joplin
- Janis Joplin or Scott Joplin
- Joe Ely, Janis Joplin, or George Strait
- Johnson or Garner
- Josh Beckett, by birth
- LaDainian Tomlinson, by birth
- Lady Bird, for one
- Lance Armstrong or Carol Burnett
- Laura Bush, for one
- LBJ or GWB
- LBJ was one
- LBJ, by birth
- LBJ, for one
- Like many a longhorn
- Like Molly Ivins
- Like Sam Houston`s constituents
- Like some barbecue
- Like Stephen F. Austin
- Liver in Lubbock
- Lone Star native
- Lone Star State denizen
- Lone Star State resident
- Longhorn
- Lubbock lady
- Lubbock native
- Lubbock resident
- Lyndon Johnson, by birth
- Man from El Paso
- Man from Port Arthur
- Man from Waco
- Man with a big hat
- Many an oilman
- Member of an 1836-1845 republic
- Michael Dell, for one
- Molly Ivins
- Molly ivins, for one
- Native of Dallas
- Native of Jim Hogg County
- Native of Odessa or Paris
- Next, a Bush
- NRG Stadium player
- Odessa native
- Oklahoman`s neighbor
- Oklahoman`s southern neighbor
- Old tv western starring rory calhoun, with `the`
- One from Austin
- One from Big D
- One from Waco
- Paris native
- Paris resident
- Perot or bush
- Perot, for one
- Person from El Paso
- Person from Houston
- Person from San Antonio or Waco
- President Bush, for one
- President number 36, number 41 or number 43
- Ranger or rancher
- Rather or Ritter
- Reliant Park athlete
- Reliant Stadium player
- Resident of Austin
- Resident of the 28th state
- Ross Perot
- Ross Perot, for one
- Secessionist Governor Rick Perry, for one
- Selena, Edie Brickell, or Joe Ely
- Statehood claimed by Giant characters
- Statesman like Lyndon Johnson
- Stephen F. Austin, notably
- Stereotypical oil tycoon
- Steve Martin, by birth
- Ted Cruz notably
- Tower, for one
- Waco man
- Waco native
- Yarborough, for one
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