Thalassemia (Crossword clue)
We found one answer for “Thalassemia” .
This page shows answers to the clue Thalassemia, followed by ten definitions like “A hereditary form of anemia”, “An inherited genetic disorder” and “Group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin metabolism”.THALASSAEMIA |
Definitions of “Thalassemia”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• Group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin metabolism
• An inherited genetic disorder of hemoglobin in red blood cells
• An inherited form of anemia caused by faulty synthesis of hemoglobin
• Group of blood disorders characterized by a deficiency of hemoglobin
• An inherited form of anemia occurring chiefly among people of Mediterranean descent
• Thalassaemia an inherited form of anemia caused by faulty synthesis of hemoglobin
• Hereditary blood disease in which there is abnormality of the globin portion of haemoglobin
• A group of genetic blood disorders characterised by a defect in the ability to produce haemoglobin
• (thal;ua-se;me-ua) Any of a group of hemolytic anemias caused by the hereditary inability to produce either the alpha or beta chain of hemoglobin
• Thalassemia (British English: thalassaemia) are forms of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorders that originated in the Mediterranean region
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