Ultraviolet (Crossword clue)

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We found 3 answers for “Ultraviolet” .

This page shows answers to the clue Ultraviolet, followed by ten definitions like “The part of the spectrum just beyond violet”, “Lying outside the visible spectrum at its violet end” and “Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is invisible”.


Definitions of “Ultraviolet”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is invisible
• Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths around 100 to 400mm
• (UVA,UVB) Ultraviolet light is light that we cannot see
• Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range of 4 to 400 nanometers
• The invisible rays of the spectrum of light which are at its violet end
• UltraViolet is a women`s advocacy group based in the United States
• Having or employing wavelengths shorter than light but longer than X-rays
• Said of rays more refrangible than the extreme violet rays of the spectrum
• A part of the electromagnetic spectrum, with a higher frequency than blue light
• Pertaining to, producing, or utilizing light having such wavelengths:Cf
A further 17 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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