unicef (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Unicef” but we did find clues
where “Unicef” could be the answer:
- agency awarded a Nobel Peace Prize
- agency promoting children`s well-being
- Charitable acronym
- Children`s welfare org
- Children`s worldwide org
- Global relief org. for kids
- Halloween beneficiary
- Halloween charity
- Halloween collectors
- Halloween collectors` letters
- Humanitarian org. focused on the young
- Important relief agency
- Int`l relief org. for kids
- International humanitarian grp
- Kid`s charity associated with Halloween
- Kid-aiding org
- Kid-friendly org
- Kid-friendly organisation
- Kid-helping org
- Kid-helping organisation
- Nobel Peace Prize 1965
- Nobel-winning org
- Nobel-winning relief org. for kids
- Noted trick-or-treat beneficiary
- Org. created in 1946
- Org. helping kids
- Org. supported by trick-or-treaters
- Org. that helps kids in need
- Org. that won the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize
- Org. with laurel branches in its logo
- Org. with Trick-or-Treat donation boxes
- Peace Prize winner right after MLK
- Progress for Children org
- Social welfare org
- Social welfare org. since 1946
- Trick-or-treat org
- Trick-or-treater`s cause
- Trick-or-treater`s charity
- Trick-or-treaters` charity
- Un agency
- United nations agency
- United nations children`s fund
- United nations international children`s emergency fund
- World relief group
- World Toilet Day org
- Worldwide children`s advocate
- Worldwide humanitarian gp
- Worldwide humanitarian group
- Worldwide relief organisation
Definitions of “unicef”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• United Nations Children's Fund: an agency
• Acronym: United Nations Children's Fund
• Special program of the United Nations (UN)
• Acronym for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
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