vegan (Crossword)

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We didn't find an exact match for “Vegan” but these clues may be related:

We didn't find answers to the clue “Vegan” but we did find clues where “Vegan” could be the answer:
  1. Abstainer from meat and dairy
  2. Al Gore
  3. Animal lover of sorts
  4. Avoider of animal products
  5. Avoider of meat products
  6. Bill Clinton`s heart-healthy diet
  7. Butter-and-egg man`s antithesis
  8. Carnivore`s antithesis
  9. Carnivore`s opposite
  10. Certain diet adherent
  11. Cousin of a fruitarian
  12. Diet extremist
  13. Discriminating dieter
  14. Eschewing both meat and dairy
  15. He`s unlikely to bring home the bacon
  16. Human herbivore
  17. Lacking meat, eggs, dairy, etc
  18. Lacto-vegetarian
  19. Least-likely steakhouse patron
  20. Like faux fur
  21. Likely Meatout supporter
  22. Many a tofu eater
  23. Meat and dairy shunner
  24. Meat avoider
  25. Meat eschewer
  26. Meat shunner
  27. Milk shunner
  28. No ham-and-Swiss eater
  29. Non-meat-eater
  30. On a restricted diet
  31. One eschewing leather
  32. One feeling alienated in Wisconsin
  33. One not likely to bring home the bacon
  34. One not likely to say Where`s the beef
  35. One on a plant-based diet
  36. One on a strict diet
  37. One topping a pizza with soy cheese
  38. One unlikely to bring home the bacon
  39. One unlikely to order ham and eggs
  40. One who eschews animal products
  41. One who eschews meat
  42. One who shuns all animal products
  43. One who won`t eat animal products
  44. One with a strict diet
  45. Person unlikely to go to a steakhouse
  46. Sox fan, often
  47. Soy burger eater
  48. Steak shunner
  49. Steakhouse shunner
  50. Strict eater
  51. Strict sort of diet for one in the lead
  52. Tempeh eater
  53. There`s no animal in this animal
  54. Tofurkey eater
  55. Tofurky eater at Thanksgiving
  56. Total vegetarian
  57. Uber Eats designation
  58. Unlikely steakhouse patron
  59. Veal avoider
  60. Vegetarian

These clues may also be related:

Definitions of “vegan”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• A vegan diet is one which excludes any animal products
• Eliminating the use of non-human animal products
• A person who does not consume any animal products nor by-products
• A person who does not eat any foods that come from animals, including meat
• Vegetarian who eats no foods of animal origin whatever, including fish
• Extremist vegetarians who consume no animal food or dairy products
• In the context of personal care ingredients we consider vegan to mean non-animal sourced
• (creature) Artist Trenton Doyle Hancock uses the word vegan to refer to fictional creatures

Synonyms of “vegan”
Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “vegan”. You might be able to find more answers by using these:

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