welterweight (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Welterweight” but we did find clues
where “Welterweight” could be the answer:
- An amateur boxer who weighs no more than 148 pounds
- Boxing weight class
- Mixed martial arts weight class
- Taekwondo weight class
- Weight
- Weight unit
Definitions of “welterweight”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A wrestler who weighs 154-172 pounds
• Of a weight class of 135-147 lbs for boxers
• A weight division, with an upper limit of 147 pounds
• Welterweight is a weight class division in combat sports
• A professional boxer who weighs between 141 and 147 pounds
• A weight-class where competitors range from 156 lbs (70
• Welterweight is the professional weight category of maximum 67kg (147lb)
• (MMA) The welterweight division in mixed martial arts can refer to a number of different weight classes
• A boxer or wrestler whose weight is intermediate between that of a lightweight and that of a middleweight
• A weight of 28 pounds (one of 40 pounds is called a heavy welterweight) sometimes imposed in addition to weight for age
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