zydeco (Crossword)
We didn't find answers to the clue “Zydeco” but we did find clues
where “Zydeco” could be the answer:
- Bayou genre
- Bayou music style
- Boozoo Chavis`s music
- Cajun music
- Cajun roots music style
- Country and western
- Country music
- Creole dance music
- Grammy category starting in 2007
- Louisiana folk music
- Louisiana genre featuring the accordion
- Louisiana music
- Louisiana music genre
- Louisiana sound
- Music style of Louisiana
- Musical genre that features accordions
- Offshoot of the blues
- Style associated with washboards
Definitions of “zydeco”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.• A type of music enjoyed by the Cajuns that lends itself to a new style of dancing
• Music of Louisiana's bayous that blends Cajun rhythms with rhythm and blues
• Music of southern Louisiana that combines French dance melodies with Caribbean music and blues
• Zydeco is a musical genre evolved in southwest Louisiana by French Creole speakers which blends blues
• A blues-influenced type of Cajun dance music popular in Louisiana and Texas, and usually played on accordion
• Dance music originating in Louisiana, USA, similar to Cajun but more heavily influenced by blues and West Indian music
• (dance) Zydeco as a dance style has its roots in a form of folk dance that corresponds to the heavily syncopated zydeco music
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