Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter H.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
Hidden (13x)
Hill in Europe (11x)
Hawk genus (10x)
Hunters (5x)
Heroic tales (5x)
High (5x)
Hum (5x)
Hot Wheels purchase (4x)
Hawaii-themed eatery (4x)
Holy well in Cornwall (4x)
Hidden supply (4x)
Humorous poet (4x)
Hold this (4x)
Houseplant necessity (4x)
Hair disease (4x)
Hebrew alpha (4x)
Henhouse unit (4x)
Honda motorcycle (4x)
Habit (4x)
Holy Ohio town (4x)
Hazardous (4x)
Headland (4x)
Hog snapper (4x)
Hill in South America (4x)
Hardened, as water (4x)
Huge lizard (4x)
Hedge (4x)
Home of the Spartans (4x)
Horrific (4x)
Homeland actress Miranda (4x)
Having a notched tip (3x)
Hoffmann product (3x)
Hurler maglie (3x)
Horse race in Japan (3x)
Hatcheck item (3x)
Hub of the black hills (3x)
Honshu sashes (3x)
Hanging from a home (3x)
HHH, to Homer (3x)
Hidden hoard (3x)
Hoosier cager (3x)
Hindu queens (3x)
Horse stopper (3x)
Hot 100 is one (3x)
Hawaiian name (3x)
Having only one meaning (3x)
Having two leaves (3x)
Henhouse find (3x)
Hangdog (3x)
Hair band (3x)
Hill in Europe (11x)
Hawk genus (10x)
Hunters (5x)
Heroic tales (5x)
High (5x)
Hum (5x)
Hot Wheels purchase (4x)
Hawaii-themed eatery (4x)
Holy well in Cornwall (4x)
Hidden supply (4x)
Humorous poet (4x)
Hold this (4x)
Houseplant necessity (4x)
Hair disease (4x)
Hebrew alpha (4x)
Henhouse unit (4x)
Honda motorcycle (4x)
Habit (4x)
Holy Ohio town (4x)
Hazardous (4x)
Headland (4x)
Hog snapper (4x)
Hill in South America (4x)
Hardened, as water (4x)
Huge lizard (4x)
Hedge (4x)
Home of the Spartans (4x)
Horrific (4x)
Homeland actress Miranda (4x)
Having a notched tip (3x)
Hoffmann product (3x)
Hurler maglie (3x)
Horse race in Japan (3x)
Hatcheck item (3x)
Hub of the black hills (3x)
Honshu sashes (3x)
Hanging from a home (3x)
HHH, to Homer (3x)
Hidden hoard (3x)
Hoosier cager (3x)
Hindu queens (3x)
Horse stopper (3x)
Hot 100 is one (3x)
Hawaiian name (3x)
Having only one meaning (3x)
Having two leaves (3x)
Henhouse find (3x)
Hangdog (3x)
Hair band (3x)
Honkytonk (3x)
Herring young (3x)
Harvest grain (3x)
Hitched and bolted (3x)
Helmet (3x)
Humidor item (3x)
Hiemal hazard (3x)
Hi-tech (3x)
Heath for heathcliff (3x)
Helicopter carrier (3x)
Halloween yard props (3x)
Harper Valley org (3x)
Hearty pastry (3x)
Hot green stuff (3x)
Hook alternatives (3x)
Hunt of What Women Want (3x)
Hershey bar (3x)
Head honcho (3x)
Heavy British weight (3x)
Herbaceous plant (3x)
High window (3x)
Hill of Pakistan (3x)
Hillary’s conquest (3x)
Heart (3x)
Heavy sport (3x)
Hud co-star Pat (3x)
Hagiography (3x)
Handbook (3x)
Hastily fashioned (3x)
House exterior finish (3x)
Historic Buddhist temple (3x)
Hematic (3x)
Home for Juan (3x)
Hardly Mensa material (3x)
Hebrew lyre (3x)
Houseman (3x)
Hooplas (3x)
Heir apparent (3x)
Hard to pin down (3x)
Horsedrawn carriage (3x)
Hollow crystalline stone (3x)
Hornstone (3x)
Honored title (3x)
Haifa citizen (3x)
Haze (3x)
Historical events (3x)
Heedless (3x)
House Speaker Tip (3x)
Homeland (3x)
Hunt of texas (3x)
Herring young (3x)
Harvest grain (3x)
Hitched and bolted (3x)
Helmet (3x)
Humidor item (3x)
Hiemal hazard (3x)
Hi-tech (3x)
Heath for heathcliff (3x)
Helicopter carrier (3x)
Halloween yard props (3x)
Harper Valley org (3x)
Hearty pastry (3x)
Hot green stuff (3x)
Hook alternatives (3x)
Hunt of What Women Want (3x)
Hershey bar (3x)
Head honcho (3x)
Heavy British weight (3x)
Herbaceous plant (3x)
High window (3x)
Hill of Pakistan (3x)
Hillary’s conquest (3x)
Heart (3x)
Heavy sport (3x)
Hud co-star Pat (3x)
Hagiography (3x)
Handbook (3x)
Hastily fashioned (3x)
House exterior finish (3x)
Historic Buddhist temple (3x)
Hematic (3x)
Home for Juan (3x)
Hardly Mensa material (3x)
Hebrew lyre (3x)
Houseman (3x)
Hooplas (3x)
Heir apparent (3x)
Hard to pin down (3x)
Horsedrawn carriage (3x)
Hollow crystalline stone (3x)
Hornstone (3x)
Honored title (3x)
Haifa citizen (3x)
Haze (3x)
Historical events (3x)
Heedless (3x)
House Speaker Tip (3x)
Homeland (3x)
Hunt of texas (3x)
Holder of a title (3x)
Herring family fish (3x)
Helical stuff (3x)
Hidden hoards (3x)
Hootenanny (3x)
Historical Hiss (3x)
Hamas adherents (3x)
Hold sway (3x)
Horse or human chaser (3x)
He may be tight (3x)
Heart contractions (3x)
Hunter-gatherers (3x)
Hell of a place (3x)
Haircut (3x)
Hypertonicity (3x)
Harry hamlin vehicle (3x)
Had the fidgets (3x)
Having three parts (3x)
Housing (3x)
Hardly stiff (3x)
Hawiian girl name (3x)
Herd of whales (3x)
Horseman (3x)
Hideaway (3x)
Hammock occupant (3x)
Had creditors (3x)
Home video game console (3x)
Hepburn or Cornell (3x)
How tuna is often sold (3x)
Henhouse feature (3x)
Hourglass sight (3x)
Hydrogenated soybean oil (3x)
Health havens (3x)
Heroine (3x)
Heather genus (3x)
Humane gp (3x)
Hugger-mugger (3x)
Hughes and Kennedy (3x)
Hare’s tail (3x)
Hallmark (3x)
Haul (3x)
Hired escorts (3x)
Humming noise (3x)
Housecoat (3x)
Highlight (3x)
Hockey ploys (3x)
Handle (3x)
Hatfield, to a mccoy (3x)
Humbug! lead-in (3x)
Hide (3x)
Herring family fish (3x)
Helical stuff (3x)
Hidden hoards (3x)
Hootenanny (3x)
Historical Hiss (3x)
Hamas adherents (3x)
Hold sway (3x)
Horse or human chaser (3x)
He may be tight (3x)
Heart contractions (3x)
Hunter-gatherers (3x)
Hell of a place (3x)
Haircut (3x)
Hypertonicity (3x)
Harry hamlin vehicle (3x)
Had the fidgets (3x)
Having three parts (3x)
Housing (3x)
Hardly stiff (3x)
Hawiian girl name (3x)
Herd of whales (3x)
Horseman (3x)
Hideaway (3x)
Hammock occupant (3x)
Had creditors (3x)
Home video game console (3x)
Hepburn or Cornell (3x)
How tuna is often sold (3x)
Henhouse feature (3x)
Hourglass sight (3x)
Hydrogenated soybean oil (3x)
Health havens (3x)
Heroine (3x)
Heather genus (3x)
Humane gp (3x)
Hugger-mugger (3x)
Hughes and Kennedy (3x)
Hare’s tail (3x)
Hallmark (3x)
Haul (3x)
Hired escorts (3x)
Humming noise (3x)
Housecoat (3x)
Highlight (3x)
Hockey ploys (3x)
Handle (3x)
Hatfield, to a mccoy (3x)
Humbug! lead-in (3x)
Hide (3x)
Heads side of a coin (3x)
Hockey or boxing venue (3x)
Hidden attack (3x)
Hollow stone (3x)
Hound holders (3x)
Helical tool (3x)
Hard finishes (3x)
Hamper (3x)
Headdress streamer (3x)
Hispanic guy (3x)
Hilarious one (3x)
Home of a famous falcon (3x)
Has the means (3x)
Haiku (3x)
Headgear for interns (2x)
Hooch, humorously (2x)
Heston heads it (2x)
Hearty draft (2x)
Harness maker (2x)
Has a long shelf life (2x)
Horn-blower (2x)
Hairdo for economists (2x)
Heirs of the Earth (2x)
Hippie skirt (2x)
Heavy surf feature (2x)
Half the diameter (2x)
Henhouse big shot (2x)
Hangs around idly (2x)
Hope-Crosby Road locale (2x)
Hospital ward (2x)
Humbles oneself (2x)
High priests (2x)
Hoof: Scot (2x)
Hockey player Eric (2x)
Home-study vehicle (2x)
Heavy bar (2x)
Horologer (2x)
Household reprimand (2x)
Herbal tea flavour (2x)
Hokey weirdos (2x)
Horace works (2x)
Harold in Italy composer (2x)
Holds inside (2x)
Hypovolaemic (2x)
Holder for a frankfurter (2x)
Huge periods (2x)
HPV (2x)
Horse trainer (2x)
Hawaiian (2x)
Heroin is made from it (2x)
Hockey or boxing venue (3x)
Hidden attack (3x)
Hollow stone (3x)
Hound holders (3x)
Helical tool (3x)
Hard finishes (3x)
Hamper (3x)
Headdress streamer (3x)
Hispanic guy (3x)
Hilarious one (3x)
Home of a famous falcon (3x)
Has the means (3x)
Haiku (3x)
Headgear for interns (2x)
Hooch, humorously (2x)
Heston heads it (2x)
Hearty draft (2x)
Harness maker (2x)
Has a long shelf life (2x)
Horn-blower (2x)
Hairdo for economists (2x)
Heirs of the Earth (2x)
Hippie skirt (2x)
Heavy surf feature (2x)
Half the diameter (2x)
Henhouse big shot (2x)
Hangs around idly (2x)
Hope-Crosby Road locale (2x)
Hospital ward (2x)
Humbles oneself (2x)
High priests (2x)
Hoof: Scot (2x)
Hockey player Eric (2x)
Home-study vehicle (2x)
Heavy bar (2x)
Horologer (2x)
Household reprimand (2x)
Herbal tea flavour (2x)
Hokey weirdos (2x)
Horace works (2x)
Harold in Italy composer (2x)
Holds inside (2x)
Hypovolaemic (2x)
Holder for a frankfurter (2x)
Huge periods (2x)
HPV (2x)
Horse trainer (2x)
Hawaiian (2x)
Heroin is made from it (2x)