Popular Clues with the letter I

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter I.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Introspective (15x)
Improvise (13x)
Inviting (10x)
Indy 500 service area (8x)
Italian grub (6x)
Invest (6x)
Insolent (6x)
Italian nosh (5x)
Imprudent (5x)
Ignorance, they say (5x)
Italian leader Balbo (5x)
Inconspicuous (4x)
Indian nurse (4x)
Interrogate (4x)
Inconsistent (4x)
In good condition (4x)
Important discovery (4x)
Indian Ocean archipelago (4x)
Ineffectually (4x)
Inclined to interrupt (4x)
Inactivity (4x)
Improved sci-fi computer (4x)
Invention (4x)
Intercom (4x)
Include (4x)
Indigo (4x)
Interfering (4x)
Is too cool (4x)
Israeli nationalist (4x)
Incident (4x)
Inflexible (4x)
Italian-born Gandhi (4x)
Incite (4x)
Instrument (4x)
Insulting (4x)
Invisible (4x)
Inept recruit (3x)
Invented (3x)
Island just east of Java (3x)
Iranian dinar (3x)
Insert (3x)
Idioms (3x)
Internal (3x)
Intro with centric (3x)
Inexact (3x)
Inlaid piece (3x)
Inactive (3x)
Infusion of (3x)
In a punctilious manner (3x)
Ice cream (3x)
Invite (3x)
Ingenuous (3x)
Indians and Bangladeshis (3x)
In full sail (3x)
In double time (3x)
It may be dry (3x)
Italian cheese (3x)
Ice (3x)
Infatuated (3x)
Irish parliament (3x)
Industrious (3x)
In a presentable manner (3x)
Is superior (3x)
Indeterminate quantity (3x)
Insignificant matter (3x)
Individual (3x)
Illegalize (3x)
Island (3x)
Iridescent quality (3x)
Intuitive feelings (3x)
Ivory Coast group (3x)
Injury (3x)
In a radical manner (3x)
Inscribe (3x)
Its campanile is famous (3x)
Involved (3x)
It may fade in winter (3x)
Introvert musician (3x)
It opens Windows (3x)
Ice skater Kulik (3x)
Innate (3x)
Initials of 1934 (3x)
Italian award (3x)
Island chain near Taiwan (3x)
Intersection (3x)
Italian auto (3x)
Invites (3x)
Intellects (3x)
ISP selection (3x)
Insights (3x)
Ill-smelling herb (3x)
Income without expenses (3x)
Indy entrant (3x)
Is outstanding, in a way (3x)
Israeli raid site (3x)
Ice asea (3x)
Imperfection (3x)
It has a point (3x)
Inclined plane (3x)
Indus outlet (3x)
Ishmael, to Abraham (3x)
Incept (3x)
Immunisation (3x)
Interlace (3x)
Iranian (3x)
Injection amts (3x)
In the location of (3x)
It sleeps one, normally (3x)
Incongruous or wry (3x)
Injured by twisting (3x)
Ingress (3x)
Intro to skeleton (3x)
Inspiring reverence (3x)
Inconstancy (3x)
Intone (3x)
In time (3x)
Irritable (3x)
Irony (3x)
It precedes majesty (3x)
Informal meal (3x)
In company (3x)
Inveterate (3x)
Ineffectual (3x)
Interjects (3x)
Install machinery (3x)
Incessant (3x)
Indirect (3x)
Island of County Mayo (3x)
Idea (3x)
Italian wine (3x)
Including everything (3x)
Imperious (3x)
In a joyous manner (3x)
Inconsiderate (3x)
It gives (3x)
In parts (3x)
It can move stars (3x)
Italian stew (3x)
Internet connection (3x)
Incessantly complain (3x)
Idolise (3x)
Impala cousin (3x)
Influential (3x)
ILGWU (3x)
Invader of 1066 (3x)
Indian (3x)
Inflammation of the ear (3x)
Italian cuisine (3x)
Innsbruck action (3x)
Ignoring ethics (3x)
Intestinal woe (3x)
Impoverished vagrant (3x)
Interpreted to be (3x)
Intermediate. (3x)
Incorporeality (3x)
Identity question (3x)
Inerrant (3x)
Insect always caught (3x)
In an indistinct way (3x)
In addition (3x)
It abuts Minn (3x)
In a sluggish way (3x)
Intercom component (3x)
Inside image (3x)
Ice jump (3x)
Innovation (3x)
Infant raised by Popeye (3x)
Irritating to skin (3x)
Illegal acts (3x)
It has a legend (3x)
Introvert or invaginate (3x)
Island of North Korea (3x)
Ingredient in a salad (3x)
Infer (3x)
In a stuffed-up way (3x)
Involves, in Paris (3x)
Ice cream ingredient (3x)
Invectives (3x)
Imperishable (3x)
Iconic soccer defender (3x)
Iwo follower (2x)
Informal Understood (2x)
Ironic singer (2x)
Italian literary award (2x)
Island off Italy (2x)
Iranian expanse (2x)
Identical siblings (2x)
Iniquitous place (2x)
Involuntary response (2x)
Indoor design (2x)
Intrusion (2x)
Initiate without dignity (2x)
Inirritability (2x)
Interior designer Berkus (2x)
Incoming mail (abbr.) (2x)
In the world (2x)
IQ tester alfred (2x)
Intermedium (2x)
Inka (2x)
In need of airing out (2x)