Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter J.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
Jewish dumplings (6x)
Jerusalem (5x)
Jesus, Matty or Felipe (5x)
Join together (5x)
Journalist (4x)
Journey (4x)
Jibe (4x)
Japanese poem (4x)
Jose of MLB (4x)
Jacket part (4x)
Jeane Dixon, for one (3x)
Jethro portrayer max (3x)
Jazz singer jones (3x)
Jugs (3x)
Jumble (3x)
Japan`s locale (3x)
Jumbo and colossal (3x)
Jodie foster, circa 1984 (3x)
Jorge Drexler song (3x)
Jolt (3x)
Je, as an object (3x)
Joke (3x)
Jamie Lee Curtis film (3x)
John joseph pershing (3x)
Jot (3x)
Jeff and Rockwell (3x)
Japanese sword type (3x)
Jannings of film (3x)
Jump the gun (3x)
Jujutsu (3x)
Javanese or Korean (3x)
Jungle cat (3x)
Jif (3x)
Jog (3x)
Jacks or better (3x)
Jungian soul (3x)
Jerusalem-born novelist (3x)
JaVale of the Lakers (3x)
Jump (3x)
Join, as hands (3x)
Joint military commander (3x)
Joe louis, for one (3x)
Jaghatai (3x)
Jell-O shaper (3x)
Just fine and dandy (3x)
Jerry-built (3x)
Jean Sibelius (3x)
Jockeys (3x)
Joy (3x)
Jr. (3x)
Jerusalem (5x)
Jesus, Matty or Felipe (5x)
Join together (5x)
Journalist (4x)
Journey (4x)
Jibe (4x)
Japanese poem (4x)
Jose of MLB (4x)
Jacket part (4x)
Jeane Dixon, for one (3x)
Jethro portrayer max (3x)
Jazz singer jones (3x)
Jugs (3x)
Jumble (3x)
Japan`s locale (3x)
Jumbo and colossal (3x)
Jodie foster, circa 1984 (3x)
Jorge Drexler song (3x)
Jolt (3x)
Je, as an object (3x)
Joke (3x)
Jamie Lee Curtis film (3x)
John joseph pershing (3x)
Jot (3x)
Jeff and Rockwell (3x)
Japanese sword type (3x)
Jannings of film (3x)
Jump the gun (3x)
Jujutsu (3x)
Javanese or Korean (3x)
Jungle cat (3x)
Jif (3x)
Jog (3x)
Jacks or better (3x)
Jungian soul (3x)
Jerusalem-born novelist (3x)
JaVale of the Lakers (3x)
Jump (3x)
Join, as hands (3x)
Joint military commander (3x)
Joe louis, for one (3x)
Jaghatai (3x)
Jell-O shaper (3x)
Just fine and dandy (3x)
Jerry-built (3x)
Jean Sibelius (3x)
Jockeys (3x)
Joy (3x)
Jr. (3x)
Jungian souls (3x)
Juicy part of a fruit (3x)
Jail (3x)
Junk shop transaction (2x)
Jennings of country (2x)
Japanese goldfishes (2x)
Jumping jack count (2x)
John Alexander is one (2x)
Japanese unit of money (2x)
Just slightly (2x)
Juicer refuse (2x)
Junked stuff (2x)
Judo teacher (2x)
Jordan Spieth prop (2x)
Jellylike (2x)
JFK (2x)
Jolly pirate (2x)
Jars (2x)
Just meh (2x)
Jeweled band (2x)
Journalist Fallaci (2x)
John of Daniel (2x)
Judo master (2x)
Just joking (2x)
Jacksons hit (2x)
John Coltrane ballad (2x)
Jeep alternative (2x)
Joe who works for George (2x)
Jellied meat (2x)
Jazz form (2x)
Jokers and aces (2x)
Jacobinic (2x)
Juice drink (2x)
Jingoes (2x)
Jockey (2x)
Judicial writ (2x)
Juice bar berry (2x)
John Williams quintet (2x)
Johannesburg township (2x)
Jonte Short soul band (2x)
Jamaican booze (2x)
Jacky (2x)
JetBlue et al (2x)
Jutland color (2x)
Job listing inits (2x)
Japanese game: var (2x)
John McEnroe-esque (2x)
JD Salinger, for one (2x)
Jujitsu and judo (2x)
Jacobi and Jeter (2x)
Juicy part of a fruit (3x)
Jail (3x)
Junk shop transaction (2x)
Jennings of country (2x)
Japanese goldfishes (2x)
Jumping jack count (2x)
John Alexander is one (2x)
Japanese unit of money (2x)
Just slightly (2x)
Juicer refuse (2x)
Junked stuff (2x)
Judo teacher (2x)
Jordan Spieth prop (2x)
Jellylike (2x)
JFK (2x)
Jolly pirate (2x)
Jars (2x)
Just meh (2x)
Jeweled band (2x)
Journalist Fallaci (2x)
John of Daniel (2x)
Judo master (2x)
Just joking (2x)
Jacksons hit (2x)
John Coltrane ballad (2x)
Jeep alternative (2x)
Joe who works for George (2x)
Jellied meat (2x)
Jazz form (2x)
Jokers and aces (2x)
Jacobinic (2x)
Juice drink (2x)
Jingoes (2x)
Jockey (2x)
Judicial writ (2x)
Juice bar berry (2x)
John Williams quintet (2x)
Johannesburg township (2x)
Jonte Short soul band (2x)
Jamaican booze (2x)
Jacky (2x)
JetBlue et al (2x)
Jutland color (2x)
Job listing inits (2x)
Japanese game: var (2x)
John McEnroe-esque (2x)
JD Salinger, for one (2x)
Jujitsu and judo (2x)
Jacobi and Jeter (2x)
Jean cocteau (2x)
Jeremy of Tag (2x)
Joe Louis specialties (2x)
Jape (2x)
Jewel thief (slang) (2x)
James barrie (2x)
Just clear of the bottom (2x)
Join securely (2x)
Japanese-american (2x)
JFK jets, once (2x)
Japanese soy sauce (2x)
Jimmy works there (2x)
Japanese affirmative (2x)
Joining-of-hands period (2x)
Joplin piano piece (2x)
Joplin output (2x)
Jewish Mister (2x)
Jon of Napoleon Dynamite (2x)
Jupiter and mars (2x)
Joined, as in marriage (2x)
JFK tower grp (2x)
Jewish scholar (2x)
Joist (2x)
Jellystone Park bear (2x)
Jean antoine watteau (2x)
Japanese sword (2x)
Junked (2x)
Join hands at show (2x)
John of equipment fame (2x)
Jeffersons (2x)
Junior high (2x)
Julius (2x)
Jesus (2x)
Jeanne and Agnes (2x)
Jack rabbit, in reality (2x)
Jennifer Lopez film (2x)
Jabba-esque (2x)
Jipijapa hats (2x)
Julius Erving (2x)
Just kidding (2x)
Jamaican form of tangelo (2x)
Jilting site (2x)
Joe Namath fans (2x)
Justin of This Is Us (2x)
Jay Park song (2x)
Japanese meat dish (2x)
Johnny who played Tonto (2x)
Jack of the Kingsmen (2x)
Jerry Maguire (2x)
Jeremy of Tag (2x)
Joe Louis specialties (2x)
Jape (2x)
Jewel thief (slang) (2x)
James barrie (2x)
Just clear of the bottom (2x)
Join securely (2x)
Japanese-american (2x)
JFK jets, once (2x)
Japanese soy sauce (2x)
Jimmy works there (2x)
Japanese affirmative (2x)
Joining-of-hands period (2x)
Joplin piano piece (2x)
Joplin output (2x)
Jewish Mister (2x)
Jon of Napoleon Dynamite (2x)
Jupiter and mars (2x)
Joined, as in marriage (2x)
JFK tower grp (2x)
Jewish scholar (2x)
Joist (2x)
Jellystone Park bear (2x)
Jean antoine watteau (2x)
Japanese sword (2x)
Junked (2x)
Join hands at show (2x)
John of equipment fame (2x)
Jeffersons (2x)
Junior high (2x)
Julius (2x)
Jesus (2x)
Jeanne and Agnes (2x)
Jack rabbit, in reality (2x)
Jennifer Lopez film (2x)
Jabba-esque (2x)
Jipijapa hats (2x)
Julius Erving (2x)
Just kidding (2x)
Jamaican form of tangelo (2x)
Jilting site (2x)
Joe Namath fans (2x)
Justin of This Is Us (2x)
Jay Park song (2x)
Japanese meat dish (2x)
Johnny who played Tonto (2x)
Jack of the Kingsmen (2x)
Jerry Maguire (2x)
Just a minute (2x)
Julia who acted (2x)
Jonesboro inst (2x)
Journey stage (2x)
Jungle coiler (2x)
Jamie of old TV (2x)
Jeans choice (2x)
Juno actor Michael (2x)
Jeanmaire (2x)
Japanese sea bream (2x)
Jaywalking interviewer (2x)
Jailor (2x)
Jigsaw gimme (2x)
Jazz singer reeves (2x)
Jewish service (2x)
Joined: prefix (2x)
Just in or out (2x)
John, in Cardiff (2x)
Jitterbug dance (2x)
Jamming genre (2x)
Jockey krone (2x)
Jump if greater or equal (2x)
Jazz saxophonist stan (2x)
Jalisco gal pal (2x)
Jazzman Jones (2x)
Japanese native: Var (2x)
Jeu de theatre (2x)
Joe Clark, for one (2x)
Jetsam (2x)
Jabberwocky birds (2x)
Just in case (2x)
Just a Friend rapper (2x)
Jackie Gleason biography (2x)
Joan of Arc (2x)
Jeer at (2x)
Jump the tracks (2x)
Judicial directive (2x)
Jaguars TE Brady (2x)
July coolers (2x)
Jell-o creation (2x)
Jacobs of fashion (2x)
James (2x)
Juicy subject (2x)
Jailbird type (2x)
Jnr (2x)
Joint accommodation (2x)
JFK successor (2x)
Jets (2x)
Jezebels (2x)
JFK notation (2x)
Julia who acted (2x)
Jonesboro inst (2x)
Journey stage (2x)
Jungle coiler (2x)
Jamie of old TV (2x)
Jeans choice (2x)
Juno actor Michael (2x)
Jeanmaire (2x)
Japanese sea bream (2x)
Jaywalking interviewer (2x)
Jailor (2x)
Jigsaw gimme (2x)
Jazz singer reeves (2x)
Jewish service (2x)
Joined: prefix (2x)
Just in or out (2x)
John, in Cardiff (2x)
Jitterbug dance (2x)
Jamming genre (2x)
Jockey krone (2x)
Jump if greater or equal (2x)
Jazz saxophonist stan (2x)
Jalisco gal pal (2x)
Jazzman Jones (2x)
Japanese native: Var (2x)
Jeu de theatre (2x)
Joe Clark, for one (2x)
Jetsam (2x)
Jabberwocky birds (2x)
Just in case (2x)
Just a Friend rapper (2x)
Jackie Gleason biography (2x)
Joan of Arc (2x)
Jeer at (2x)
Jump the tracks (2x)
Judicial directive (2x)
Jaguars TE Brady (2x)
July coolers (2x)
Jell-o creation (2x)
Jacobs of fashion (2x)
James (2x)
Juicy subject (2x)
Jailbird type (2x)
Jnr (2x)
Joint accommodation (2x)
JFK successor (2x)
Jets (2x)
Jezebels (2x)
JFK notation (2x)