Popular Clues with the letter K

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter K.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Kitchen utensils (7x)
Knack (6x)
Kind of wrap (6x)
Keystone site (5x)
Kind of treat (4x)
Keats output (4x)
Kibosh (4x)
Kidney or snap (3x)
Konrad von gesner (3x)
Kalashnikovs (3x)
Kennel club member (3x)
Kind of appeal (3x)
Kin of the sunfish (3x)
Kvass and bock (3x)
Kidney doctor (3x)
Kitty vocals (3x)
Kneel (3x)
Kazan (3x)
Keeping (3x)
Kettles and frying pans (3x)
Kirghiz mountain ranges (3x)
Kind of rail (3x)
Kind of organ (3x)
Kemco game (3x)
Kill by lying on (3x)
Kick around (3x)
Keystone krew (3x)
Knock Pat over (3x)
Kind of student (3x)
Kin of daboias (3x)
Killer of a queen (3x)
Koudou (3x)
Kame (3x)
Kinky (3x)
Kind of horn or stock (3x)
Kissed (3x)
Knight and nugent (3x)
Kind of PC monitor (3x)
Kamchatka peninsula site (3x)
Kick (3x)
Kodak print (3x)
Keeps running (3x)
Kosher combo (3x)
Kumar portrayer Kal (2x)
Kind of ring (2x)
Kranepool and asner (2x)
Kodak Brownie (2x)
Kenyan tribe (2x)
Knight-time verb (2x)
Keeping cool, in a way (2x)
Kindness (2x)
KISS love song (2x)
Killers at sea (2x)
Kinfolk (2x)
Knitting organization (2x)
Knife Party EPs (2x)
Kendrick or Faris (2x)
Korea locale (2x)
Kosher for Ramadan (2x)
Keel (2x)
Kitchen device (2x)
Knife (2x)
Krypton (2x)
Kiss, slang (2x)
Keep them about you (2x)
Kodiak locale (2x)
Knapsack part (2x)
Kinkajou (2x)
Kelpies herd them (2x)
Kruger (2x)
Keeps from being blue (2x)
Kern musical hit: 1925 (2x)
Keds competitor (2x)
King of old movies (2x)
Koa customer (2x)
Kind of call or road (2x)
Kurosawa epic (2x)
Kin of auto- (2x)
Kid-lit author dahl (2x)
Knock off, in mob lingo (2x)
Kimono or domino (2x)
Known polo shirt maker (2x)
Kind of oil (2x)
Ketel One rival (2x)
Kweek (2x)
Kind of accent (2x)
Kind of almanac (2x)
Knight and Williams (2x)
Km (2x)
Kilt pattern (2x)
Kansas state symbol (2x)
King of Icelandic myth (2x)
Kin of ibid (2x)
Key WWII figure (2x)
Karate (2x)
Kilomegacycles (2x)
Klutzy move (2x)
Kilo (2x)
Kind of sheet or card (2x)
King of Mycenae (2x)
Katy Perry song (2x)
Koppel net (2x)
Kin of the twist (2x)
Keys in a chain (2x)
Ketel One competitor (2x)
Kind of seltzer (2x)
Kind of illusion (2x)
Krypton or Vulcan (2x)
Kind of proverbial pole (2x)
Kind of squad (2x)
King of Denmark, 1241-50 (2x)
King of france (2x)
Knocked someone out (2x)
Kuwaiti head (2x)
Killed it, as a test (2x)
Kepler contemporary (2x)
Kind of plasterboard (2x)
Kippered herring (2x)
Kellogg company brand (2x)
Killer whale at SeaWorld (2x)
King: Spanish (2x)
Keyboard key (2x)
Kid who rode Diablo (2x)
Kept people up (2x)
Keeper (2x)
Kuwaiti, for one (2x)
Kitchen closing (2x)
Kermit, Quentin et al (2x)
Knew going in (2x)
King of Carchemish (2x)
Kappa preceder (2x)
Kinswomen (2x)
KNO (2x)
Kenyan t-shirt brand (2x)
Kick-around shoe (2x)
Knocked loopy (2x)
Kind of room or hall (2x)
Kind of num (2x)
Koppel competition (2x)
Kierkegaard subject (2x)
Kip (2x)
Keep close relations (2x)
Knotty little problem (2x)
Kind of sword (2x)
Kid spoilers (2x)
Keats ode subject (2x)
Kind of shelter (2x)
Klansman (2x)
Karate-inspired workout (2x)
Kg. (2x)
Kind of attractor (2x)
Knife expert (2x)
King of Magog (2x)
Keep an auction going (2x)
Kinglet (2x)
Kazakhstan cutter (2x)
Koppel and turner (2x)
Knight creation (2x)
Kind of aircraft (2x)
Krazy critter (2x)
Knock it off! (2x)
Knitted wrap (2x)
Kauai (abbr.) (2x)
King of Argos (2x)
Kgs (2x)
Keenly intelligent (2x)
Koppel and key (2x)
Keaton or sawyer (2x)
Kin of wham! (2x)
Kenton-era singer Anita (2x)
Kick-storm connector (2x)
Kubrick code word (2x)
Kennedy in-law Shriver (2x)
Knew (2x)
Korean novel (2x)
K- or Wal- follower (2x)
Known polo shirt make (2x)
Kurt, Larry or Luther (2x)
Khmer Republic leader (2x)
Kitchen gadget company (2x)
Knuckler or slider (2x)
Kuwaiti or Omani (2x)
Kernel keepers (2x)
Kind of tasse (2x)
Kidnapped (2x)
Kwa (2x)
Kb (2x)
Kansas city college (2x)
Kaffiyeh cord (2x)
Kyrie Irving (2x)
Kissy sound (2x)
Kilt (2x)
Keen-sighted (2x)
Kiowa homes (2x)
King of the dead (2x)
Kitchen wrap (2x)
Kin (2x)
Kidney: Combining form (2x)
Kampala cries (2x)
Kind of word or book (2x)