Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter L.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
Land in a foreign land (10x)
Like a McJob, typically (10x)
Located (9x)
Loren in Two Women (9x)
Lean (8x)
Listlessness (8x)
Language (5x)
Lasso (5x)
Leans over to one side (5x)
Lifespan (5x)
Lake Victoria outlet (4x)
Light up (4x)
Land, as a bass (4x)
Later (4x)
Laminae (4x)
Laurels (4x)
Leather (4x)
Lavished love (4x)
Late conductor Georg (4x)
Lasts (4x)
Last Chance Gulch site (4x)
Literary (4x)
Light (4x)
Lib. of Congress items (4x)
Locate (4x)
Lily, for one (4x)
Like caribou (4x)
Leaves (4x)
Late-december period (4x)
Loose celestial grouping (4x)
Lou Grant actor Ed (4x)
Language of Canada (4x)
Lapidarian (4x)
Literary composition (4x)
Land formation (4x)
Law court opening word (4x)
Lawyer (4x)
Least unkempt (4x)
Lying (4x)
Little (4x)
Lie alongside (4x)
Lengthening (4x)
Lively jazz tune (4x)
Lock catches (4x)
Like iron or tin (3x)
LICE (3x)
Least (3x)
Landholder (3x)
Like saddle shoes (3x)
Low pitch (3x)
Like a McJob, typically (10x)
Located (9x)
Loren in Two Women (9x)
Lean (8x)
Listlessness (8x)
Language (5x)
Lasso (5x)
Leans over to one side (5x)
Lifespan (5x)
Lake Victoria outlet (4x)
Light up (4x)
Land, as a bass (4x)
Later (4x)
Laminae (4x)
Laurels (4x)
Leather (4x)
Lavished love (4x)
Late conductor Georg (4x)
Lasts (4x)
Last Chance Gulch site (4x)
Literary (4x)
Light (4x)
Lib. of Congress items (4x)
Locate (4x)
Lily, for one (4x)
Like caribou (4x)
Leaves (4x)
Late-december period (4x)
Loose celestial grouping (4x)
Lou Grant actor Ed (4x)
Language of Canada (4x)
Lapidarian (4x)
Literary composition (4x)
Land formation (4x)
Law court opening word (4x)
Lawyer (4x)
Least unkempt (4x)
Lying (4x)
Little (4x)
Lie alongside (4x)
Lengthening (4x)
Lively jazz tune (4x)
Lock catches (4x)
Like iron or tin (3x)
LICE (3x)
Least (3x)
Landholder (3x)
Like saddle shoes (3x)
Low pitch (3x)
Long rd (3x)
Laissez-faire doctrine (3x)
Livorno love (3x)
Light-sensitive area (3x)
Luminous (3x)
Lip of a basin (3x)
Laura lyrist (3x)
Lower-leg supports (3x)
Loss follower (3x)
Landers of letters (3x)
Light quality in music (3x)
Less anxious (3x)
Like-minded group (3x)
Lubbock lady (3x)
Lucid (3x)
Latin epitaph start (3x)
Leaf opening (3x)
Long-tongued mammal (3x)
Like overkill (3x)
Lightning or fishing (3x)
Language of Austria (3x)
Lowers lawns (3x)
Locker-room supply (3x)
Like a photon (3x)
Light blow (3x)
Lavished love on (3x)
Luau farewell (3x)
Lab do-over (3x)
Leaders: Dial (3x)
Letters for Plato (3x)
Limit (3x)
Love in rome (3x)
Leaf shedder (3x)
Latter-day aristotle (3x)
Love song (3x)
Lizard (3x)
Literary papa (3x)
Laryngitis symptom (3x)
Lewis Carroll quarry (3x)
Looks daggers at (3x)
Like sherpas (3x)
Lei (3x)
Lucrezia or Cesare (3x)
Lacking strength (3x)
Lady Gaga song (3x)
Lullaby trio (3x)
Lively dance tune (3x)
Long, long ago (3x)
Liquidate gradually (3x)
Lion King baddie (3x)
Laissez-faire doctrine (3x)
Livorno love (3x)
Light-sensitive area (3x)
Luminous (3x)
Lip of a basin (3x)
Laura lyrist (3x)
Lower-leg supports (3x)
Loss follower (3x)
Landers of letters (3x)
Light quality in music (3x)
Less anxious (3x)
Like-minded group (3x)
Lubbock lady (3x)
Lucid (3x)
Latin epitaph start (3x)
Leaf opening (3x)
Long-tongued mammal (3x)
Like overkill (3x)
Lightning or fishing (3x)
Language of Austria (3x)
Lowers lawns (3x)
Locker-room supply (3x)
Like a photon (3x)
Light blow (3x)
Lavished love on (3x)
Luau farewell (3x)
Lab do-over (3x)
Leaders: Dial (3x)
Letters for Plato (3x)
Limit (3x)
Love in rome (3x)
Leaf shedder (3x)
Latter-day aristotle (3x)
Love song (3x)
Lizard (3x)
Literary papa (3x)
Laryngitis symptom (3x)
Lewis Carroll quarry (3x)
Looks daggers at (3x)
Like sherpas (3x)
Lei (3x)
Lucrezia or Cesare (3x)
Lacking strength (3x)
Lady Gaga song (3x)
Lullaby trio (3x)
Lively dance tune (3x)
Long, long ago (3x)
Liquidate gradually (3x)
Lion King baddie (3x)
Least likely (3x)
Lacoste rival (3x)
Lunar (3x)
Letter after jay (3x)
Lost consciousness (3x)
Little bullets (3x)
Let loose or release (3x)
Loblolly, for one (3x)
Lighting fuel of old (3x)
Long ambitiously (3x)
Loosestrife family (3x)
Lopsided game (3x)
Laughter (3x)
Li quadrupled (3x)
Literary categories (3x)
Lazy woman (3x)
Longtime news initials (3x)
Lepton (3x)
Least practical (3x)
Lively tune (3x)
Law professor (3x)
Leader Arafat (3x)
Locator (3x)
Light-hearted (3x)
Legally bars (3x)
Letter box (3x)
Little brook (3x)
Llama (3x)
Liner record (3x)
Love Song guys (3x)
Leer at (3x)
Landowner (3x)
Locales (3x)
Lattice (3x)
Lighting anew (3x)
Lago contents (3x)
Livable (3x)
Lack of money (3x)
Loafer (3x)
Lifted to heaven (3x)
Locale for wrestlers (3x)
Lineup member (3x)
Lawsuit basis, often (3x)
Like folklore (3x)
Laurel wreath (3x)
Landing a plane trickily (3x)
Lift from under (3x)
Laughed loudly (3x)
Lifebuoy form (3x)
Lavrenti pavlovich beria (3x)
Lacoste rival (3x)
Lunar (3x)
Letter after jay (3x)
Lost consciousness (3x)
Little bullets (3x)
Let loose or release (3x)
Loblolly, for one (3x)
Lighting fuel of old (3x)
Long ambitiously (3x)
Loosestrife family (3x)
Lopsided game (3x)
Laughter (3x)
Li quadrupled (3x)
Literary categories (3x)
Lazy woman (3x)
Longtime news initials (3x)
Lepton (3x)
Least practical (3x)
Lively tune (3x)
Law professor (3x)
Leader Arafat (3x)
Locator (3x)
Light-hearted (3x)
Legally bars (3x)
Letter box (3x)
Little brook (3x)
Llama (3x)
Liner record (3x)
Love Song guys (3x)
Leer at (3x)
Landowner (3x)
Locales (3x)
Lattice (3x)
Lighting anew (3x)
Lago contents (3x)
Livable (3x)
Lack of money (3x)
Loafer (3x)
Lifted to heaven (3x)
Locale for wrestlers (3x)
Lineup member (3x)
Lawsuit basis, often (3x)
Like folklore (3x)
Laurel wreath (3x)
Landing a plane trickily (3x)
Lift from under (3x)
Laughed loudly (3x)
Lifebuoy form (3x)
Lavrenti pavlovich beria (3x)
Lygaeid bugs (3x)
Luxury fashion giant (3x)
Legal writ (3x)
Low-budget rock festival (3x)
Legendary abductors (3x)
Let air or gas out of (3x)
Light racing boat (3x)
Laura or bruce of film (3x)
Lost soldier (briefly) (3x)
Laotians (3x)
La Dolce Vita actress (3x)
Lead (3x)
Less focused (3x)
Leader or master (3x)
Lhasa dog (3x)
Latte locale (3x)
Let me think about it (3x)
London insurance giant (3x)
Luau feature (3x)
Leave puzzled (3x)
Living-room piece (3x)
Landlady (3x)
Lake city of Italy (3x)
Leatherwork (3x)
Live cohost (3x)
Like tough jobs (3x)
Low-lying region (3x)
Leyte currency (3x)
Lounge group, often (3x)
Like many office jobs (3x)
Largest living birds (3x)
Lottery (3x)
Limerick name (3x)
Leave (briefly) (3x)
Longhorns (3x)
Legation (3x)
Louie and Carrie (3x)
Louver strip (3x)
Leek cousins (3x)
Label holders (3x)
Lightning (3x)
Labored (3x)
Lotto variant (3x)
Lawless ones (3x)
Lintels (3x)
Limerick land (3x)
Labor-intensive locale (3x)
Losing steam (3x)
Latina lady (3x)
Latter (3x)
Luxury fashion giant (3x)
Legal writ (3x)
Low-budget rock festival (3x)
Legendary abductors (3x)
Let air or gas out of (3x)
Light racing boat (3x)
Laura or bruce of film (3x)
Lost soldier (briefly) (3x)
Laotians (3x)
La Dolce Vita actress (3x)
Lead (3x)
Less focused (3x)
Leader or master (3x)
Lhasa dog (3x)
Latte locale (3x)
Let me think about it (3x)
London insurance giant (3x)
Luau feature (3x)
Leave puzzled (3x)
Living-room piece (3x)
Landlady (3x)
Lake city of Italy (3x)
Leatherwork (3x)
Live cohost (3x)
Like tough jobs (3x)
Low-lying region (3x)
Leyte currency (3x)
Lounge group, often (3x)
Like many office jobs (3x)
Largest living birds (3x)
Lottery (3x)
Limerick name (3x)
Leave (briefly) (3x)
Longhorns (3x)
Legation (3x)
Louie and Carrie (3x)
Louver strip (3x)
Leek cousins (3x)
Label holders (3x)
Lightning (3x)
Labored (3x)
Lotto variant (3x)
Lawless ones (3x)
Lintels (3x)
Limerick land (3x)
Labor-intensive locale (3x)
Losing steam (3x)
Latina lady (3x)
Latter (3x)