Popular Clues with the letter M

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter M.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Middle-earth battle (35x)
Malaysian rice dish (34x)
Miserably (16x)
Musket (11x)
Makeup remover (11x)
Music genre (10x)
Misdeed (8x)
Molting (8x)
March (7x)
Monument (6x)
Matter-of-fact (6x)
Molasses (6x)
Miss America of 1963 (6x)
Mountain of the Alps (6x)
Missing Derby winner (5x)
Mayonnaise container (5x)
Medit. smoker (5x)
Military (5x)
Mariner (5x)
Mary (4x)
Manager (4x)
Musician Shaw (4x)
Marvel Comic superhero (4x)
Mondel?z brand (4x)
Mexican farm co-op (4x)
Magna cum laude (4x)
Marseille (4x)
Mr. Bear (4x)
Modern Italian scran (4x)
Many (4x)
Moor (4x)
Move on ahead (4x)
Mr. Potato Head feature (4x)
Mail delivery agency (4x)
Mercurial quality (4x)
Muscle: Combining form (4x)
Mound miscue (4x)
Mixture (4x)
Macabre (4x)
Meddling (4x)
Mildly, softly (4x)
Magazine (4x)
Mountains (4x)
Meyers in Dutch (4x)
More titanic (4x)
Marvel (4x)
Mine in marseilles (4x)
Mixing bowl (4x)
Molded entree (4x)
Man-eating giant (4x)
Mehta leads one (4x)
Make a choice (4x)
Make a mistake (4x)
Meal times, for some (4x)
Meryl streep oscar film (3x)
Malay canoe (3x)
Monals (3x)
Moldable materials (3x)
Mudhole of sorts (3x)
Make a donation (3x)
Myers-Briggs (3x)
Mortise mates (3x)
Mixed alcoholic drink (3x)
Miserly (3x)
Monel (3x)
Maltreater (3x)
McCartney creation (3x)
Mount Olympus boss (3x)
Most adroit (3x)
Magnum chaser (3x)
Maine (3x)
Mammal type (3x)
Mesopotamia dweller (3x)
Mirish (3x)
Man, sometimes old (3x)
Mask opening (3x)
Mumbai dress (3x)
Made a physics law (3x)
Mexicali fare (3x)
Mexican pancake (3x)
Magnetic unit (3x)
Maker (3x)
Mounted soldier (3x)
Moon (3x)
Mr. Scott may follow kin (3x)
Midsize car (3x)
Most positive (3x)
More mannerly (3x)
Mint-family plant (3x)
Muddled (3x)
Miramax owner (3x)
Masses of ice (3x)
Myoma (3x)
Most heterogeneous (3x)
Make hot or hotter (3x)
Meld (3x)
Mexican stew (3x)
McCartney follow-up (3x)
Maple (3x)
Muslim (3x)
Man from Pocatello (3x)
Mountain in Madagascar (3x)
Mood (3x)
Madagascan creature (3x)
Merry (3x)
Make a rustling sound (3x)
Milan native (3x)
Muscovite (3x)
My, to Marius (3x)
Mexi-year (3x)
Motto (3x)
More rotund (3x)
Man in Pretty Woman (3x)
Minibar item (3x)
Mowed surfaces (3x)
Meadow (3x)
Mutuality (3x)
Make a botch of (3x)
Mocking smile (3x)
Morris (3x)
Make art like a child (3x)
Marine mammal (3x)
Markdowns (3x)
Meander (3x)
Material (3x)
Messenger god (3x)
Memory routines (3x)
Marvel superheroes (3x)
Musical Fox show (3x)
Museum in Thurgau (3x)
Munro (3x)
Manifest (3x)
Modern Israeli scran (3x)
Messy (3x)
Math initials (3x)
Miranda Lambert song (3x)
Media concern (3x)
Moats (3x)
Mouthed a retraction (3x)
Munch through (3x)
Makes giddy (3x)
Modern Indian special (3x)
Multiple get (3x)
Marner of Raveloe (3x)
Musical form (3x)
Mansion in the sky (3x)
Melrose (3x)
Marooned (3x)
Mutt (3x)
Mammoth trio (3x)
Modify (3x)
Meat follower (3x)
Made a speedy exit (3x)
McIntosh (3x)
Moon valleys (3x)
Manipulater (3x)
Man of Madras (3x)
More than dis (3x)
Most genuine (3x)
Make a run for it (3x)
Metz (3x)
Mantra (3x)
Mainly (3x)
Manganese selenide (3x)
Moroccan hat (3x)
Marple or Marker (3x)
More daring (3x)
Musically low (3x)
Marmot or mouse (3x)
Mell lazarus comic strip (3x)
Merciful (3x)
Mentioned (3x)
Moby dick, as a baby (3x)
Myriagram (3x)
Mythological monster (3x)
More mindless (3x)
Modern Italian dish (3x)
Move (3x)
Made a refusal (3x)
Monster (3x)
Multicolored design (3x)
Movie house (3x)
Meantime (3x)
Mite (3x)
Mole (3x)
My Life, for one (3x)
Misteak (3x)
Movie villain (3x)
Maven (3x)
Mexican statesman (3x)
Mozart work (3x)
Medium marks (3x)
Magical stick (3x)
Medieval lyric poem (3x)
Market conveniences (3x)
Mental health (3x)
Metropolis on Hokkaido (3x)
Modernise (3x)
Magical aura (3x)
Mystery writer Hunter (3x)