Popular Clues with the letter N

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter N.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Noisy celebration (13x)
Niche (9x)
Not deep at all (9x)
North Korean waterway (6x)
Nonsense (6x)
Nitroglycerin (5x)
Name on some euros (5x)
Nonexistent (4x)
New GI (4x)
Not a virgin any more (4x)
Native American (4x)
Nimrod (4x)
Nutrition (4x)
Nonresonant (4x)
Not quite (4x)
Not just ask (4x)
Neiman Marcus competitor (4x)
NC State grp (4x)
Not occupied (4x)
Nearby things (3x)
Newspaper no (3x)
North, south of here (3x)
Nuisance (3x)
Nonrenters (3x)
Nod (3x)
Northeast indian state (3x)
Niagara Falls by-product (3x)
Nadelman or Wiesel (3x)
Newsweek, now (3x)
New York native (3x)
Numerically exceeded (3x)
Newel adjunct (3x)
Nervousness of a sort (3x)
No dice (3x)
Nile queen nickname (3x)
Norwegian (3x)
Nun (3x)
Nous (3x)
Not go straight (3x)
Nevada locale (3x)
Nemesis (3x)
Not connected (3x)
Not patient (3x)
NBA ex-coach Brown (3x)
Not passive (3x)
Name, in Latin (3x)
Novel heroine, 1885 (3x)
No longer bright (3x)
Nonfiction best seller (3x)
Not any: Law (3x)
Nautical bar (3x)
Nick who comes at night (3x)
Navy vessel (3x)
Number on a z, in a game (3x)
Not quite a run (3x)
Not spotted (3x)
Natural skill (3x)
Nippiness (3x)
Not knowable (3x)
Nameplate (3x)
Nerve centers (3x)
Norse Mars (3x)
Naval rank (3x)
Noble title (3x)
Nice ones of old slang (3x)
Norse zeus (3x)
Neap (3x)
NYSE newbies (3x)
Nice light bulbs (3x)
Nickname like no other (3x)
Not reactive (3x)
Namely (3x)
Note (3x)
Nobelist poet: 1913 (3x)
Nahoor sheep (3x)
Name of five popes: Var (3x)
Not a good look (3x)
Not that thing (3x)
Nicklaus aid (3x)
Needful (3x)
Nile diverter (3x)
Noose (3x)
Need (3x)
Narrow ravine (3x)
Not so mean (3x)
New car of 1904 (3x)
Not at any time (3x)
Nuclear physicist (3x)
NHL stat (3x)
Not neatly combed (3x)
Nepalese native (3x)
Natural exfoliants (3x)
Not the real martha (3x)
Netman Jimmy (3x)
Ninotchka actress, 1939 (3x)
Noisy hovering aircraft (3x)
Nudists (3x)
Not looked after (3x)
Not requiring bleeping (3x)
Not very quick (3x)
Nutrient std (3x)
Nervous (3x)
Never-dying (3x)
Nice numbers (3x)
Nomadic (3x)
National head count (3x)
Netter Navratilova (3x)
No way! alternative (3x)
Names, as a proxy (3x)
Negotiations leeway (3x)
Name a czar (3x)
Not entirely shut (3x)
Not anybody (3x)
Neil Diamond song (3x)
Night Court actress Post (3x)
Nearly (3x)
NFL play (3x)
NKP, SAL et al (3x)
Newborn baby (3x)
Neat (3x)
NY tech school (3x)
Not capable of sin (3x)
Nothing: Lat (3x)
Nose (3x)
Not as expected (3x)
Nervousness (3x)
Neckwear with a tux (3x)
New Jersey river or bay (3x)
Not a full-out run (3x)
NFL honorees (2x)
Not belonging to anybody (2x)
Nippy taste (2x)
Noble women originally (2x)
NLer since 1965 (2x)
National combatant (2x)
Nasal opening (2x)
Naval attire (2x)
Night-school subj (2x)
Not going anywhere (2x)
Nixon adviser (2x)
Not aye (2x)
Not home (2x)
New south wales (abbr.) (2x)
New money (2x)
Nasty netman (2x)
Numerical position (2x)
Negative side (2x)
Nahuatl (2x)
Nastase of tennis fame (2x)
NFL scores (2x)
Navigational tracker (2x)
Napoleonic law (2x)
NFL Live host Trey (2x)
Notch in a bow (2x)
Nugget, as of wisdom (2x)
NFL great Dawson (2x)
Napoli love (2x)
Nope (2x)
Nomad returns for friend (2x)
Nintendo enthusiast (2x)
NYU workers (2x)
NYSE membership (2x)
Naval battle group (2x)
No help needed, thanks! (2x)
Northwesterly (2x)
Not fatty (2x)
National capital (2x)
Nigerian VIP (2x)
Noise from a pen (2x)
Near-failure (2x)
Noted crocodile victim (2x)
NFL scoring plays (2x)
Not remote (2x)
Nostalgically stylish (2x)
Neck piece (2x)
Nowadays, with the (2x)
Nek song (2x)
New to the world (2x)
NOW do you understand (2x)
Not worth using (2x)
New Delhi garb (2x)
Not steadfast (2x)
Nice and easy (2x)
N. classification (2x)
Northern French port (2x)
Not be contained anymore (2x)
Not as colorful anymore (2x)
Not keep up (2x)
Nba star mashburn (2x)
Negev locale (2x)
Nail polishes (2x)
Native of Indonesia (2x)
Nonchalant syllables (2x)
Not knowing (2x)
Name in pocket radios (2x)
Near the bottom (2x)
Neighbor of turkey (2x)
New york city tv station (2x)
No idler he (2x)
Nobody (2x)