Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter R.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.
Rallentando (12x)
River in The Americas (9x)
River in The New World (9x)
River of The Americas (9x)
Reluctant (8x)
Recess (8x)
Rivals (8x)
Rich, slang (8x)
River in germany (8x)
Religious text (6x)
Rubberband Man band (6x)
Regiment (5x)
Redundant (5x)
Religion (5x)
Reduce Speed (5x)
Revere (5x)
Reveille instruments (4x)
Record again (4x)
Religious person (4x)
Root (4x)
Rhine tributary (4x)
Rolling in francs (4x)
Relate (4x)
Robert boyle (4x)
Romcom (4x)
Redact (4x)
Reciprocal (4x)
Royale (4x)
Rooster (4x)
Royal angler (4x)
Relocate from (4x)
R. Nixon (4x)
Regions (4x)
Rendered (4x)
Ryun et al (4x)
Roofing gunk (4x)
Role for Reeves (4x)
Received (4x)
River in Iraq (4x)
Reserve (4x)
Relationship (4x)
River in Asia (4x)
Reduced (4x)
Regimented (4x)
Russian skater Slutskaya (4x)
Rural storage area (4x)
Regret a letter (3x)
Rushing measurement (3x)
Recover the use of (3x)
Rumanian river, et al (3x)
River in The Americas (9x)
River in The New World (9x)
River of The Americas (9x)
Reluctant (8x)
Recess (8x)
Rivals (8x)
Rich, slang (8x)
River in germany (8x)
Religious text (6x)
Rubberband Man band (6x)
Regiment (5x)
Redundant (5x)
Religion (5x)
Reduce Speed (5x)
Revere (5x)
Reveille instruments (4x)
Record again (4x)
Religious person (4x)
Root (4x)
Rhine tributary (4x)
Rolling in francs (4x)
Relate (4x)
Robert boyle (4x)
Romcom (4x)
Redact (4x)
Reciprocal (4x)
Royale (4x)
Rooster (4x)
Royal angler (4x)
Relocate from (4x)
R. Nixon (4x)
Regions (4x)
Rendered (4x)
Ryun et al (4x)
Roofing gunk (4x)
Role for Reeves (4x)
Received (4x)
River in Iraq (4x)
Reserve (4x)
Relationship (4x)
River in Asia (4x)
Reduced (4x)
Regimented (4x)
Russian skater Slutskaya (4x)
Rural storage area (4x)
Regret a letter (3x)
Rushing measurement (3x)
Recover the use of (3x)
Rumanian river, et al (3x)
Rubs on (3x)
Rowboat appurtenance (3x)
Repugnant (3x)
Residue of combustion (3x)
Romanian hill (3x)
Refresh (3x)
Refute (3x)
Rubik creation (3x)
Receiving two pensions (3x)
Research (3x)
Racer Riganti (3x)
Reveille duettists (3x)
Religiously (3x)
Retirement spot (3x)
Roister (3x)
Rock blaster (3x)
Rehabilitation target (3x)
Rock star ant (3x)
Rozelle or Fountain (3x)
Region in france (3x)
Rendered insensitive (3x)
Recyclable container (3x)
Renowned miscreant (3x)
Rewrite a bit (3x)
Rose extract (3x)
Radar (3x)
Run length encoded (3x)
Registers formally (3x)
Ratiocinator (3x)
Router option (3x)
Rounded altar locale (3x)
Roofing for a villa (3x)
Rudely short (3x)
Robitaille of the NHL (3x)
Rogers or Leder (3x)
Right on a map, usually (3x)
Refinery flow (3x)
Reach capacity, with out (3x)
Rooms for Caesar (3x)
Ranging pole (3x)
Rib elbowers (3x)
Revise (3x)
Refine (3x)
Realise negative answer (3x)
River near chantilly (3x)
Ruler at karnak (3x)
Ryder Cup group (3x)
Runway covering (3x)
Road dividers (3x)
River to the Aare (3x)
Rowboat appurtenance (3x)
Repugnant (3x)
Residue of combustion (3x)
Romanian hill (3x)
Refresh (3x)
Refute (3x)
Rubik creation (3x)
Receiving two pensions (3x)
Research (3x)
Racer Riganti (3x)
Reveille duettists (3x)
Religiously (3x)
Retirement spot (3x)
Roister (3x)
Rock blaster (3x)
Rehabilitation target (3x)
Rock star ant (3x)
Rozelle or Fountain (3x)
Region in france (3x)
Rendered insensitive (3x)
Recyclable container (3x)
Renowned miscreant (3x)
Rewrite a bit (3x)
Rose extract (3x)
Radar (3x)
Run length encoded (3x)
Registers formally (3x)
Ratiocinator (3x)
Router option (3x)
Rounded altar locale (3x)
Roofing for a villa (3x)
Rudely short (3x)
Robitaille of the NHL (3x)
Rogers or Leder (3x)
Right on a map, usually (3x)
Refinery flow (3x)
Reach capacity, with out (3x)
Rooms for Caesar (3x)
Ranging pole (3x)
Rib elbowers (3x)
Revise (3x)
Refine (3x)
Realise negative answer (3x)
River near chantilly (3x)
Ruler at karnak (3x)
Ryder Cup group (3x)
Runway covering (3x)
Road dividers (3x)
River to the Aare (3x)
Responds (3x)
RPI rooms (3x)
Ringo (3x)
Rotunda resting place (3x)
Race-related (3x)
Roman goddess of spring (3x)
Red river (3x)
Roseau is its capital (3x)
Registration agency (3x)
Raucous crowd (3x)
Runway shapes (3x)
Routes with tracks (3x)
Retro jackets (3x)
Runner-up in a race (3x)
Resort (3x)
Ring promoter (3x)
Red marks of affection (3x)
Repel (3x)
Registrar (3x)
Range burner (3x)
Rejoinder (3x)
Really bad show (3x)
Recent Pepsi voice (3x)
Roll with the punches (3x)
Rowan and Marino (3x)
Real London ending (3x)
Recline (3x)
Rostov on don (3x)
Ruof 42nd Street (3x)
Resourcefulness (3x)
Red Cross founder Clara (3x)
Red aperitif (3x)
RR track, for one (3x)
Real or absurd ending (3x)
Rumor sources (3x)
Rounders, for one (3x)
Rose Bowl champs: 1986 (3x)
Relative of Sra (3x)
Ronnie Milsap song (3x)
Real-life incidents (3x)
Renaissance painter (3x)
River into the Meuse (3x)
Royal statesmanship (3x)
Rockies cat (3x)
Rombauer (3x)
Rugged bust or sculpture (3x)
Reject (3x)
Rained ice (3x)
Restraint (3x)
Regis philbin and others (3x)
RPI rooms (3x)
Ringo (3x)
Rotunda resting place (3x)
Race-related (3x)
Roman goddess of spring (3x)
Red river (3x)
Roseau is its capital (3x)
Registration agency (3x)
Raucous crowd (3x)
Runway shapes (3x)
Routes with tracks (3x)
Retro jackets (3x)
Runner-up in a race (3x)
Resort (3x)
Ring promoter (3x)
Red marks of affection (3x)
Repel (3x)
Registrar (3x)
Range burner (3x)
Rejoinder (3x)
Really bad show (3x)
Recent Pepsi voice (3x)
Roll with the punches (3x)
Rowan and Marino (3x)
Real London ending (3x)
Recline (3x)
Rostov on don (3x)
Ruof 42nd Street (3x)
Resourcefulness (3x)
Red Cross founder Clara (3x)
Red aperitif (3x)
RR track, for one (3x)
Real or absurd ending (3x)
Rumor sources (3x)
Rounders, for one (3x)
Rose Bowl champs: 1986 (3x)
Relative of Sra (3x)
Ronnie Milsap song (3x)
Real-life incidents (3x)
Renaissance painter (3x)
River into the Meuse (3x)
Royal statesmanship (3x)
Rockies cat (3x)
Rombauer (3x)
Rugged bust or sculpture (3x)
Reject (3x)
Rained ice (3x)
Restraint (3x)
Regis philbin and others (3x)
Rose on stage (3x)
Rural tract (3x)
Roofing metal (3x)
Rout follower (3x)
Roper (3x)
Rough (3x)
Retreat (slang) (3x)
Royal Navy initials (3x)
Radar anomalies (3x)
Remove (3x)
Respectful reverence (3x)
Rainbow Bridge is there (3x)
Robert of the screen (3x)
Rozelle of football (3x)
Remarkable achievement (3x)
Russia at one point (3x)
Roman enclave (3x)
Ring shot (3x)
Ristorante liqueur (3x)
River in England (3x)
Revolutionary biopic (3x)
Rowboat need (3x)
Resulting (3x)
Rooms, in Lyon (3x)
Rookie firefighter (3x)
Rome or jonathan (3x)
Road shoulder (3x)
Rid (3x)
Rimbaud work (3x)
Ralph of happy days (3x)
Religious choral piece (3x)
Red-coated snack (3x)
Round-trippers (3x)
Request for vanna (3x)
Rip, torn (3x)
Relieved (3x)
Reptile (3x)
Resign, as a job (3x)
Run after (3x)
Rowing boat (3x)
Ranges of knowledge (3x)
Rowboat gear (3x)
Rover or tabby (3x)
Room in Clue (3x)
Rock-festival number (3x)
Restaurant offerings (3x)
Rudner of comedy (3x)
Round dance (3x)
Rile up (3x)
Raging anger (3x)
Rural tract (3x)
Roofing metal (3x)
Rout follower (3x)
Roper (3x)
Rough (3x)
Retreat (slang) (3x)
Royal Navy initials (3x)
Radar anomalies (3x)
Remove (3x)
Respectful reverence (3x)
Rainbow Bridge is there (3x)
Robert of the screen (3x)
Rozelle of football (3x)
Remarkable achievement (3x)
Russia at one point (3x)
Roman enclave (3x)
Ring shot (3x)
Ristorante liqueur (3x)
River in England (3x)
Revolutionary biopic (3x)
Rowboat need (3x)
Resulting (3x)
Rooms, in Lyon (3x)
Rookie firefighter (3x)
Rome or jonathan (3x)
Road shoulder (3x)
Rid (3x)
Rimbaud work (3x)
Ralph of happy days (3x)
Religious choral piece (3x)
Red-coated snack (3x)
Round-trippers (3x)
Request for vanna (3x)
Rip, torn (3x)
Relieved (3x)
Reptile (3x)
Resign, as a job (3x)
Run after (3x)
Rowing boat (3x)
Ranges of knowledge (3x)
Rowboat gear (3x)
Rover or tabby (3x)
Room in Clue (3x)
Rock-festival number (3x)
Restaurant offerings (3x)
Rudner of comedy (3x)
Round dance (3x)
Rile up (3x)
Raging anger (3x)