Popular Clues with the letter S

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter S.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Strands (22x)
So or thus (20x)
Slang for cannabis (14x)
Studied (11x)
Ship type (10x)
Sharon of The Talk (10x)
Signals on the sly (9x)
Self-control (9x)
Simply but in Italian (8x)
Stretch out or lengthen (8x)
Skirt length (8x)
Small. (8x)
Shoe brand (7x)
Strenuous (7x)
Shade of green (7x)
Sully (7x)
Strong-arm (7x)
Seriously (6x)
Saga (6x)
Storage (6x)
Shimmer (5x)
Shy (5x)
Snake sound (5x)
Setback (5x)
Social circle (5x)
Support (5x)
Stingy (5x)
Stone (5x)
Steel (5x)
Slips (5x)
Santalike (4x)
Straw (4x)
Sorceress (4x)
Successive (4x)
Seismologic (4x)
Sentimentalization (4x)
Swill (4x)
Smaller (4x)
SA mountains (4x)
Skinny-dippers (4x)
Schedule (4x)
Smelling of beer (4x)
Sustainable development (4x)
Socks : var. sp (4x)
Stadium in queens (4x)
Saddest words (4x)
Sept follower (4x)
Spreads in tubs (4x)
Separate seed (4x)
St. lawrence river city (4x)
Seconal (4x)
Sign of occupation (4x)
Sports venue in Sydney (4x)
Slang for marijuana (4x)
Sex (4x)
Small songbirds (4x)
Slug (4x)
Shooting skill (4x)
Shortly, to hamlet (4x)
Send (4x)
Specs (4x)
Second yr. students (4x)
Spanish (4x)
Spiritedly, on scores (4x)
Seaplane attachments (4x)
Symptom (4x)
School of thought (4x)
Sauvignon Blanc, for one (4x)
Struck with fear (4x)
Self-indulgent journey (4x)
South Korean river (4x)
Salaam (4x)
Starch source (4x)
Sort (4x)
Suspected terrorist (4x)
System (4x)
Sticks for drum majors (4x)
Sampled some (4x)
Sialis lutaria (4x)
Saint-Tropez summer (4x)
Sargasso or Yellow (4x)
Standard equipment (4x)
Sick-looking (4x)
Sailing vessel: Var (4x)
Sacro ender (4x)
Solace (4x)
Saddle horse (4x)
Shoreline (4x)
Sharp-toothed fish (4x)
Specialist (4x)
Shoot (4x)
Squealing (4x)
Small turret tower (4x)
Sortes (4x)
Some campaign charges (4x)
Smokeless tobacco amount (4x)
Sargasso Sea floaters (4x)
Some cars (4x)
Slope (4x)
Stanza (4x)
Sandwich substitutes (4x)
Steady worker (4x)
Simulate, as an event (4x)
Santa Anna battleground (3x)
Seattle seasonal hours (3x)
Silver mining data (3x)
Say suddenly (3x)
Scent from Dana (3x)
Snickers (3x)
Southbound (3x)
Small loudspeakers (3x)
Solidness (3x)
Synchronisation (3x)
Ship of 1492 (3x)
Stove vessel (3x)
So not cute! (3x)
Station finder (3x)
Seize wrongfully (3x)
Sacred poems (3x)
Slug cousins (3x)
Square metre (3x)
Seeing eye to eye about (3x)
See-through rectangles (3x)
Sports org. of the 1980s (3x)
Saffron and ginger (3x)
Seating sect. (3x)
Side-by-side truck tires (3x)
Sainted (3x)
Spin round one city (3x)
Successful (3x)
Scrub away (3x)
Stern enforcements (3x)
Season abroad (3x)
Silent movie (3x)
Shop shaper (3x)
Swift suffix (3x)
Smuttiness (3x)
Spanish duke-general (3x)
Synchronizing (3x)
Shift abruptly (3x)
Saucer riders (3x)
Splash (3x)
She could be a nit (3x)
Shuffleboard tool (3x)
Saint andrew (3x)
Screenwriter (3x)
Some municipalities (3x)
Silver Beaver Award org (3x)
Slices of pizza (3x)
Stove (3x)
Shot (3x)
Situate or place (3x)
Sorority receptions (3x)
Stole (3x)
Salad burnet (3x)
Sulfur (3x)
Skilled felon (3x)
Songs of Childhood poet (3x)
Sean et al (3x)
Scottish snow (3x)
Soup, to Celia Cruz (3x)
Sap sucker (3x)
Social facade (3x)
School symbol (3x)
SEC member (3x)
Soybean snack (3x)
Some hotel amenities (3x)
Salata (3x)
Step on it (3x)
Saigon noodle soup (3x)
Scottish cake (3x)
Spy with Joshua (3x)
Shaq (3x)
Scottish woolen bonnet (3x)
Seashore fliers (3x)
Sapphire side (3x)
Sugar cube servers (3x)
Signifying nothing (3x)
Self-satisfied (3x)
SEC st (3x)
Shakespearean queen (3x)
Sun-cracked (3x)
Sierra Nevada (3x)
Samoan staple (3x)
Sables (3x)
Successor to a Colt .45 (3x)
Scouting outing (3x)
Superfluous person (3x)
Siesta (3x)
Serial installments (3x)
Sheep corral (3x)
Sail extender (3x)
Special treatment (3x)
Spottings or detections (3x)
Severe abdominal pain (3x)
Sternum (3x)
Slang for a Russian (3x)
Service stations (3x)
Suede maker (3x)
Supreme truth (3x)