Popular Clues with the letter U

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter U.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Underestimate (478x)
US state (12x)
Unpredictable, in a way (5x)
Unpredictable (5x)
Undervalue (5x)
Use as a terminus (5x)
Understated (4x)
Unit of value in Ankara (4x)
Untrustworthy lawyer (4x)
Unexpectedly (4x)
Urdu feminine given name (4x)
Unrecognisable (4x)
Usual food and drink (4x)
Uncle Pedro (4x)
Undesirable (4x)
Utter (4x)
Unco (4x)
Unique events (4x)
Unusual (4x)
Use a BeDazzler (3x)
Untrue (3x)
Understand a hippie (3x)
Unfeeling (3x)
Usefulness (3x)
Unauthorized departer (3x)
Univs (3x)
Unpretentious (3x)
Utilisation (3x)
Undeveloped insect (3x)
Upper range (3x)
Univision TV viewer (3x)
Utters slowly (3x)
Uniting forces (3x)
Unconditional love (3x)
Under fire star (3x)
Up country (3x)
Upgrades (3x)
United Nations member (3x)
Upper extremity bone (3x)
Unappreciative (3x)
Unwelcome road sign (3x)
Unit of applause (3x)
Urgent wants (3x)
Unique object (3x)
Unguent applications (3x)
Upgrades to first class (3x)
Unicycle (3x)
Ulcer (3x)
Unit of weight (3x)
Upolu resident (3x)
United states film maker (3x)
Underfeeding (3x)
Umbilical hernia (3x)
U. S., to French (3x)
Utrecht cheese staple (3x)
Unexpected bonus (3x)
Unmasked, is brazen (3x)
Uncertain (3x)
Unnatural (3x)
Urbanites (3x)
Union organizers (3x)
Ultimate words (3x)
Unemotional (3x)
Utmost (3x)
Unmercifully (3x)
Unnecessary (3x)
Undeserved (3x)
Unprincipled person (3x)
United Kingdom currency (3x)
Used crayons (3x)
Unification (3x)
Unravel (3x)
Uppish one (3x)
Unworthy (3x)
Ukraine (3x)
Unnatural, as a photo (3x)
Utility (3x)
Urbane (3x)
Unfair criticism (3x)
Unfashionable (3x)
Urdu language telenovela (3x)
Uncouth mess (3x)
Uropygi (3x)
University in Argentina (3x)
Unique (3x)
Undisclosed (3x)
Uninformatively (3x)
Uneven (3x)
Upscale homes (3x)
Used of conduct (2x)
US-Croatian inventor (2x)
US spy organisation (2x)
Unhappy baby (2x)
Union pariah (2x)
UK fair-hiring agency (2x)
Used at funerals (2x)
Union in DC and others (2x)
Unruly crowd (2x)
Unsophisticates (2x)
US-Canada border lake (2x)
Ukrainian invention (2x)
Upper limit (2x)
Unraveller (2x)
Unpopular picnicker (2x)
Uxmal sight (2x)
Unreasonable economy (2x)
Uploading initials (2x)
Uncategorised (2x)
Use a blowtorch on (2x)
US Army E-3s (2x)
Unwanted attention (2x)
Unfold, as a rose (2x)
Unleash (2x)
Uplifting inventor (2x)
Utopia (2x)
Undresses (2x)
Under construction (2x)
Upending (2x)
Unholy group (2x)
Uttered obscenities (2x)
Ungainly (2x)
Utah ski destination (2x)
Uncomfortable collars (2x)
USMC member (2x)
US problem (2x)
Uh follower (2x)
Upholstery woe (2x)
Update the decor (2x)
Unconsciousness (2x)
Ugly Tolkien beast (2x)
Unfriendliness (2x)
Undeterminable (2x)
University email suffix (2x)
Using a DVR (2x)
Unexacting (2x)
Use a metal detector (2x)
Us opera singer (2x)
Urban extensions (2x)
Unoccupied (2x)
Unguaranteed state (2x)
Unsuccessful swing (2x)
Unfortunate events (2x)
USPS delivery (2x)
UV preceders (2x)
Unlit (2x)
Up to this point (2x)
Utters monotonously (2x)
Undead flesheater (2x)
Uses as a dining table (2x)
Unnecessarily extreme (2x)
Unlikely class president (2x)
Ugo Tognazzi movie (2x)
Undomesticated, as cats (2x)
Utah letters (2x)
Ugandan leader (2x)
Unique item or person (2x)
Union demand (2x)
UK military fliers (2x)
Used a pouring aid (2x)
Uncontacted people (2x)
Unnatural, as a color (2x)
Upper and lower items (2x)
Ugandan city (2x)
Union general (2x)
Underseas man (2x)
Unveiling (2x)
Uniformly (2x)
Upstage in Cork (2x)
Umbrellaless (2x)
Underframe (2x)
Union-busting group (2x)
Unfaceted gem (2x)
United way (2x)
Un-to (2x)
Unplanned (2x)
Utters (2x)
Uk (2x)
Univalve (2x)
Unnecessary fusses (2x)
Unique to basidiomycetes (2x)
Unlikable kid (2x)
Uses an Underwood (2x)
Untrustworthy folks (2x)
Unkempt place (2x)
Uninspiring (2x)
Unmopped (2x)
Unfortunate development (2x)
US publications grp (2x)
United States jurist (2x)
Uncouth type (2x)
Uniate christian (2x)
Unexhausted (2x)
Undercover apparatus (2x)
Up and quit (2x)
Undone (2x)
Unhinged (2x)
Unrestrained jollity (2x)
Untrustworthy ones (2x)
Unalterably (2x)
Unpleasant expression (2x)